Depends on what your traditional sex roles are!
Some societies' highest male exemplar is the samurai, others the pimp, others the Talmud scholar. I would love for my boys' highest exemplar to be their excellent father. (In fact, in discouraging moments ---sigh--- my main hope lies in that.) And above all, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Got me thinking now. Variety within sex roles. The Community of Saints.
True. Your post #8 emphasized female nurturing, and unspecified features of "masculinity." I'm certainly not denying inborn differences between boys and girls - with three little boys in the house, I'm literally bombarded with inborn differences. (Also blocks, cars, Lego, shoes, and the occasional airborne brother.)
However, I think the qualities we're discussing come from a level of humanity more fundamental than sex differences. God created us male and female, but more basically, He created us in His image of life-giving love. Men and women (to generalize) manifest love in some distinctive ways, but the fountain of love, so to speak, is the same for both.