I wonder who will be the first one to say that if we werent in the war with Iraq, there would be more money for infastructure. Someone will. I imagine our freshman Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) is composing her press release containing this "information" this moment.
To: mplsconservative
Amy and Keith, singing a duet........
Get some ear plugs for yer dogs......
1,606 posted on
08/01/2007 9:29:43 PM PDT by
(Tracking The "Flyin' Imams" since 11/20/06)
To: mplsconservative
She would be the one I was thinking about...with your new Muslim representative right behind her.
I heard her first statement on Fox Channel 9 and it was such
a non-statement. You are right...she is busy writing it.
1,610 posted on
08/01/2007 9:32:37 PM PDT by
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