To: FreedomFromGov; Leatherneck_MT
See #23 and #34. Since when is the request to dress respectfully tyranny? ROTFCMEO!
112 posted on
07/29/2007 12:40:34 PM PDT by
( Vote for Duncan Hunter in the Primaries for America's sake!)
To: Paperdoll
See #1
A rule isn’t a request.
Laugh Out Loud if that makes you feel superior, but frankly it makes you look ridiculous.
To: Paperdoll
Since when is the request to dress respectfully tyranny? ROTFCMEO! First, they came for my freedom to wear what I wanted in public buildings. Then, they came for my freedom to speak my mind in public buldings (Air Force One, anyone?). Then they came for my freedom to speak my mind anywhere in the country. Laugh, laugh, laugh. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson