....And it'll be blamed on Global Warming caused by the Bush/Cheney/Halliburton cabal.
Science has been the exception in the Forestry Department since the end of the '70's. The brainwashing has worked. Now perfectly rational people believe that trees will live forever if humans would only leave them alone.
My husband is a former Hotshot who fought in Yellowstone. He lost a lot of people that he knew there. I don't know how to undo so many years of propaganda. Even the Weather Channel was gratuitously selling Global Warming as the root cause of every single natural problem on Earth.
It is sad to see the politicans and lawyers with no scientific training, degrees, nor life time of experience destroy the forests and all the living things inside the forests.
The propaganda is huge. These liberals make tons of money selling it.
Sorry that your husband lost people. Please thank him for his service as a former Hotshot.
Another trick ( there are many ) is to close historial roads under the title ‘ no new roads.’ These long time forest roads also provide fire support : heavy equipment, water, supplies, other fire fighters...can respond faster to fight the wild fire and to help save lives of those fire fighters who jumped in.