No, I guess we're really talking about condescending sexist jerks. Or at least I'm talking to one. Snookums.
So, don't pay your taxes, if you think a pompous pronouncement will keep the Man away. Don't vaccinate your kids for polio. See what that gets ya. And keep your kids out of school, and college, etc.
And when some illegal alien infects you or yours with some disease, at least his inalien rights haven't been violated. He didn't want to get his innoculations. He didn't. (Have you heard of the Kissing Bug?)
As for HPV--I don't know if it's worth the hassle of dealing with those tinfoil types terrified of flouridated water to attempt to eradicate an STD in the general population. It's just women with cancer, after all.
Nobody you'd care about. Snookiepie.
No, what we are discussing is people who will quite willingly cast aside Constitutional principles of governance when it suits their purposes.
And yes doll face, I'm talking about you.
So, don't pay your taxes
I do pay my taxes. Congress quite clearly has the power to lay and collect taxes. It's spelled out in Article 3, Section 8 of the Constitution.
What isn't spelled out there is the enumerated power (there's that phrase that you seem to have so much trouble getting into your pretty little head) to force the entire US population to undergo some kind of mass medical experiment whether it proves beneficial or not.
It's just women with cancer, after all. Nobody you'd care about.
For your information my mother has survived cancer twice so I hope you'll take this next little bit in the spirit it's offered.
Go **** yourself.