To: Alas Babylon!
Boy not much there. Be surprised if the thread makes 300 posts.
8 posted on
07/22/2007 5:02:40 AM PDT by
(Ignorance can be cured by education, stupidity is a terminal condition)
To: MNJohnnie
Be surprised if the thread makes 300 posts. Well that's up to you, and the rest of us, no?
Make it interesting!
To: MNJohnnie
Be surprised if the thread makes 300 posts. Don't worry it will be in breaking news until next Sat.!
15 posted on
07/22/2007 5:10:26 AM PDT by
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: MNJohnnie
May be we are all sick & tired of the same recycling of the old news - Iraq, again & again. We made our point, though they (MSM) don't seem to be getting. Just see their eroding viewership.
If the WH occupant was a dem, topic would have been Dow 14,000, it 's the economy stupid.
17 posted on
07/22/2007 5:18:42 AM PDT by
To: MNJohnnie
Boy not much there. Be surprised if the thread makes 300 posts.I hate to say it, but I selflishly hope you're right. I'm on the review this week and I'm still behind on stuff at work. It's going to be a busy day.
It actually seems to have started out on a faster pace then several of the threads over the last few weeks and there are some pretty clear lines being drawn. Perhaps Eric Edelman's little dust up with Hillary will set an appropriate tone for our side in this. I hope so. Now that would be something worth spending time reporting on!
118 posted on
07/22/2007 7:20:44 AM PDT by
(Often wrong, but never in doubt) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson