I sure hope so Johnnie.
Thanks for that. I am discouraged today, not because I believe the cause is wrong, but from my eyes, so many seem to be falling away.
But I’ll go on hoping!
Question for the FReepers on this thread:
What do you think?
Are folks getting War Weary? Are they ready to throw in the towel?
Are the dems blowing their wad on the antiwar minority?
Are we going to win in Iraq?
Are we going to pull out of Iraq?
What is the future of this war on terrorists? (har, and buy me a winning lottery ticket!)
Winning in Iraq.
Even rabid whiners like Savage and Ingraham cannot stomach the Democrats Cut and Run dogma.
You are confusing real supporters of the war with the DC Old Boy like like Warner, Alexander etc who were never really on our side. They had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do something after 09-11, and merely found the quickest way to get back to their per 09-11 Neo Isolationists (aka “Realist”) world view. Why do you thing the Republican Old Boys in the Senate pushed so hard for the ISG to be formed? Because they knew with the right people on it it would give them the political coverage they needed to surrender on Iraq
The “Falling away” in DC is the posturing of politicians who merely found it convent to ditch a position they never really wanted to have to embrace in the 1st place.
That one of the interesting things. The old boys in the Establishment, on both sides (i.e. the Appeasement Now Left and the Isolationist Right) have a lot more in common with each other then they do with the American people.
For them 09-11 was just a chance thing that now that they have passed some laws and spent some money they don’t ever have to worry about. To the DC Machine 09-11 is no reason for them to give up the political dogmas they have spent their whole lives defending.
Like most people living in a bubble world, the DC Political-media machine simply tunes out all uncomfortable facts to cling to their comfortable self satisfied existence.
Not even a catastrophic event like 09-11 can really get the DC Dinosaurs to fundamentally alter their world view and their pat political dogmas. They can be forced for a time by an overwhelming response by the America people to pretend to change but in the end they always revert to form.
That is one of the reasons Term Limits makes so much sense. By about the 3 or 4th term they have become so isolated by their staffs, and the DD Media machine, from reality they simply stop being the people’s Representatives.