For reasons unknown, the link to Byzantine Sacred Art in the article isn’t working, although I checked it before I posted it. The article is here
The whole idea of Albanian mafia paying Ahtisaari to come up with the plan favorable to them is ridiculous.
State Department made "Ahtisaari's" plan. This monstrosity has American fingerprints all over it.
For that reason, it is more likely that Ahtisaari is extracting money from Albanian gangsters for something that is already tailor-made in Department of State.
Sort of forcing them to pay because the Sun will rise tomorrow.
IMHO, we are chasing the wrong ambulance here. We have to chase the money, from Albanian gangsters to Soros.
$40M is a serious coin, one that can not be laundered by well known individual. But easily laundered by Quantum fund.
Methinks that Department of State chose to get money from Albanian gangsters to indirectly pay Soros and his boss, instead of paying him from traceable Government funds.
Something else. Have you noticed how neo-con Freepers run away from Kosovo threads?