All that you just proved, Hopeless, is that Casey is a complete jack ass — which is no surprise given the rest of the State Department personnel line-up dealing with the Balkans.
And your Casey quote from this transcript was made re Bush’s trip to Albania, not the Ahtisaari allegations.
What the State Department is doing is arrogantly pretending that these Ahtisaari allegations are going to just “go away” if they ignore them. That’s not going to happen.
Frankly, guys like Casey, Fried, Polt & Serwer are a complete embarassment to the US — but it makes it totally understandable why they would have your dhimmwitted support.
When the allegations are made by clowns like Copley, ignoring them is the only sensible course of action.
And the Casey quote I provided speaks directly to that.
So, again, unless you can come up with another source for these allegations, you've got nothing.
And as far as who's an embarrassment to the US, considering the official policy of the United States of America towards Serbia has essentially turned into "Tired of your sh*t", your list needs expanding - greatly.
At some point in time - sooner rather than later - you've got to say 'enough is enough. Kosovo is independent'. That's the position we've taken.
Ring any bells?