GWB should have cleaned house when he took over the oval office. Instead he wanted a ‘new tone’ in DC. This is where his new tone has brought him. Old Clintonistas undermining him at every turn ever since he took the oath of office. I hope when we have a new Republican in the White House he will suss out the traitors in our midst and get rid of them! The Clintons stacked the deck with all their cronies and GWB left many in place. I hope that we conservatives have learned our lesson. We (conservatives) are at war with the terrorists and the Dems are only at war with conservatives.
I think the Dem’s are at war with the American people ....and America in general ....
We (conservatives) are at war with a lot of people.
Terrorists, DemocRats, liberals, Rinos, and the current Administration with its anti-gun, pro-illegal henchmen like Mr. Gonzales.