I have no problems with Mexicans, I just think illegal immigration ought to be illegal, no matter where anyone comes from.
“I have no problems with Mexicans,.....”
Ooooooooo. bad choice of words. To many on the left you have already become evil by saying that. LOL. I grew up in Mr. Hernandez’s area of NJ and escaped in 71 as soon as I was old enough to do so. My sister lives in S NJ and tells me often about how many illegals they catch every day at the DMV office where she works who are using fake ID to try and get a license. It is so bad they have a cop on duty from opening to closing time. Illegals have gotten violent Here is the fun part. When they spot a phony ID they say “Okay, let me go get another form I need.” leave the room and get the cop. Do not know if they are released after that. She told me about a woman who came in and tried to get a license. Obviously middle eastern but using a Puerto Rico birth certificate. Spoke no spanish of course. LOL.