How many hotels allow prostitutes to work the bars, and otherwise come to businessmen's rooms an hour after the horny toad calls an escort agency.
“How many hotels allow prostitutes to work the bars, and otherwise come to businessmen’s rooms an hour after the horny toad calls an escort agency.”
Hotels don’t ALLOW that kind of thing but it happens, sad to say. One time, I heard the people in the next room having sex - loud sex - I think it was pornographic, all those sounds. I can’t remember if it was at a Marriott. I wonder if we should make Mitt Romney responsible for unmarried people having loud sex in those hotel rooms.
People could bring their own DVD’s and DVD players and play that crap. People are stupid and evil. That’s not Mitt Romney’s fault.
Even if hotels did forbid it, I mean, REALLY. What's to stop some guy from going to the bar and picking up some chick and taking her back to his room.
If hotels simply existed for someone to get a night's sleep, they'd go out of business.