i desire a "citizen's congress", that will ACTUALLY serve the citizenry, rather than PREY on it.
IF the congress-critters HAD to leave office & live under the laws that they pass, they wouldn't be so quick to pass the laws.
furthermore, NOBODY is "irreplaceable". even my little district wouldn't run out of people, who are CAPABLE of serving 2- 6 years!
fwiw, IF my amendment passed, my home district would doubtless send a farmer or a small business owner to congress, as that is the kind of district that i hail from. (btw, if we could set the salary of the congressman/woman, we wouldn't let them starve BUT they wouldn't make 3-10 times what their "home folks" make.)
free dixie,sw
It doesn’t matter if you ONLY allow them in for 6 years. Arrogance and diresepectingt eh will of the people is will still occur if the candidate is ARROGANT. It’s silly to believe otherwise.
It’s really up to the people to vote OUT the arrogant, power abusers no matter how long they are in office. It’s NOT about time in office. It’s ALL about WHO is representing you and ARE THEY REPREEETING YOU. I don’t automatically assume the length of time will kill arrogance - that’s silly.
Let them serve the people for as long as they are REPRESENTING THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE! If they aren’t - VOTE EM OUT! That is the only sensible solution.
The fault really lies with the SHEEPLE for constantly voting in idiots. Six years of an idiot - the person is still an idiot and that MUST be determined by knowledgeable voters. So the argument of limiting their term is ridiculous!
I don't care if a person spends their LIFE as a representative as long as they respect the will of the people and DO what the PEOPLE want.
Hey, we agree on something!
We need some earnest amateurs in Congress with common sense and who listen to the people they represent. Enough of the professional politicians finally got the word on the amnesty farce to stop it, but it was a shame that it got as close to passing as it did.