If this makes any sense to you, then you must be smoking some peyote today.
>> If this makes any sense to you, then you must be smoking some peyote today.
You’ll be glad to know that nothing you’ve said has made ANY sense ... so I’m “peyote” free.
>> A government that sends troops halfway around the world to install (Iraq) and/or prop up (Kuwait, Saudi Arabia) Islamic governments — while at the same time pushing to allow millions of foreigners to pour across its borders — can no longer even justify its own existence.
Sure, there’s a contradiction in the immigration policy and the War on Terror ... though I’m not sure where you’re making the leap that the contradiction means the War is a fraud.
George Bush was misguidedly disconnecting the War and the Immigration Bill ... he was clearly wrong in doing so. However, I don’t think he sees immigration as War-on-Terror-related. He wasn’t intentionally undermining his own foreign policy ... he was, to his mind, granting amnesty to hard-working immigrants in the futile hope that they would become hard-working Republican immigrants.
Again - he was CLEARLY wrong on this issue. But - the War, and the Administration’s position ON the War, is as just and right as it ever was.