Thank you for contacting me regarding immigration reform. I appreciate hearing from you. As you may know, immigration reform legislation was brought back to the Senate for further consideration on June 26. In my view, this is our best chance to pass a bill that will secure the borders, strengthen and enforce our immigration laws, and provide a realistic solution for the 12 million undocumented workers in our country. The problem of illegal immigration is comprehensive in nature, and thus requires a comprehensive solution. I look forward to working with the President and my Republican and Democratic colleagues to strengthen our national security and create a real immigration system for the future. Again, thank you for taking the time to share your views. I will certainly keep them in mind as the Senate debates this important legislation. Sincerely, Ken Salazar United States Senator
All the amnesty supporters seem to be using that word.
I was outraged when Clinton-democrat Salazar was elected to the Senate here in CO, and I am INFURIATED by his arrogance and ignorance of his constituents’ recommendations .