Coburn stepped up. Bond flunked.
GOPLawson’s blog
Use common-sense immigration reform
Submitted by GOPLawson on June 25, 2007 - 9:45am. Tags: general
From My Letter to the Editor in the Columbus Dispatch-
The collapse of the recent immigration-reform bill in the U.S. Senate represents an opportunity to get reform right. Immigrants have helped America become the truly great nation that it is. If we decide to simply slam the door shut, we are slamming the door on the future.
That said, we are a nation of laws and as Theodore Roosevelt said, “Obedience of the law is demanded; not asked as a favor.” Whenever laws are broken, we cheapen the very foundation of an orderly society. Consequently, blanket amnesty is a mistake.
If we are going to be more open, we must do it in a way that makes sense and is not subordinated to mindless political correctness. We need to employ all of the best technology at our fingertips to keep people from illegally crossing our borders. Also, we must ensure that all new immigrants become, once again in Roosevelt’s formulation, “an American, and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here.”
The Dispatch edited out the last line of my submission- “This means assimilation, pure and simple, no matter the arguments against.”
Bond told Hannity he wanted the amendments to have a chance to be heard, including his, but that he will vote NO on cloture tomorrow unless his amendment passes. (It didnt).