I’ll give Ron Paul credit for one thing, his amazing ability to get these nuts all worked up on his behalf despite the fact that he’s a zero-accomplishment imbecile.
To: threeleftsmakearight
Going along with unconstitutional schemes of the Beltway Boys is not an “accomplishment.”
6 posted on
06/27/2007 9:27:28 AM PDT by
(Michael Pelletier)
To: threeleftsmakearight
Ill give Ron Paul credit for one thing, his amazing ability to get these nuts all worked up on his behalf despite the fact that hes a zero-accomplishment imbecile He served in the military as an Air flight surgeon & delivered thousands of babies.
He's accomplished more than you have, that's for damn sure.
To: threeleftsmakearight
Ill give Ron Paul credit for one thing, his amazing ability to get these nuts all worked up on his behalf despite the fact that hes a zero-accomplishment imbecile. Would that the rest of Congress had accomplished as little as Ron Paul. [sigh]
29 posted on
06/27/2007 9:45:36 AM PDT by
(What does it take to make government shrink?)
To: threeleftsmakearight
You forgot to point out that the founders of America were nuts to and even Bush told us that the Constitution was a GD piece of old paper.It sounds like via your post you are really on to something.
To: threeleftsmakearight
You must not be a conservative.
186 posted on
07/03/2007 2:45:31 PM PDT by
(Fight the powers that be!)
To: threeleftsmakearight
RonPaulus of Borg says resistance is futile and you will be assimilated....
Seriously, does anyone outside Ron Paul's camp followers take this guy seriously?
208 posted on
07/05/2007 6:22:08 AM PDT by
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