LOL - nah, a long way to go to reach Carter or even Johnson or Clinton proportions. But a rat president would have been able to shepherd the illegals bill through pretty easily as Ol’ Slick showed us with GATT and NAFTA. Bush will have problems.
I think the damage this bill will cause is huge. First, we will end up with national healthcare. With millions of unisured people who are used to national health added to this country it’s a done deal. Next, social security is going to take a huge hit-it was already in bad shape to begin with. Public education is alread mediocre and expensive. It will get worse. In Georgia, we have had great difficulties in educating non-english speaking children. Wages will decline and kids will have trouble landing jobs as well. My son (17) was turned down at the local MacDonalds for a job because he is not bilingual. Then you have a fair number of Mexicans who believe the southwest should really belong to them...not the US. This bill is a disaster. It’s implications are horrific and lasting.