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Heat in Iraq
| unknown
Posted on 06/26/2007 11:29:35 AM PDT by notpoliticallycorewrecked
I received an email a few minutes ago requesting prayers for our troops in Iraq due to the extreme heat. The letter then went on to state that it is 122 degrees over there right now with a low of 115 at night.
Has anyone else heard about thess extreme temps ???
TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: gis; iraq; war
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Thanks for any info
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
posted on
06/26/2007 11:30:18 AM PDT
(the admin moderator ordered me to "lose" my tagline.)
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
Don't know about right now, but the temps often get in these ranges this time of year over there.
posted on
06/26/2007 11:32:26 AM PDT
(Thank a member of the US armed forces for their sacrifice)
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
I think Fox and Friends reported similar numbers within the past week. Makes you realize how well we’ve got it and they don’t.
posted on
06/26/2007 11:32:54 AM PDT
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked says highs between 112-116 and lows in the mid 80s.
posted on
06/26/2007 11:33:20 AM PDT
Straight Vermonter
(Posting from deep behind the Maple Curtain)
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
Isn’t that pretty much the norm for certain areas in the ME?
posted on
06/26/2007 11:33:30 AM PDT
(Everything happens as God wants it to.....otherwise, things would be different.)
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
During the daytime it gets very hot but it usually cools down at night...There is very little in the desert to hold heat once the sun goes down.
The e-mail is most likely an exaggeration. I know it feels like that sometimes.
posted on
06/26/2007 11:34:04 AM PDT
(Let's get dangerous)
To: Asclepius
A good friend. I am just trying to verify the validity of the information before I pass it on. Freepers are known for their ability to find and/or verify information.
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
Not to make light of our troops’ sacrifice, but here in Phoenix, it’s 112 today.
posted on
06/26/2007 11:35:56 AM PDT
To: Straight Vermonter says highs between 112-116 and lows in the mid 80s.
Typical Phoenix or Vegas June weather
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
But it is a dry heat - and nothing usually for the middle east...
posted on
06/26/2007 11:37:26 AM PDT
(My common ground with terrorists - they want to die for islam and we want to kill them)
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
I am just trying to verify the validity of the information before I pass it on. Freepers are known for their ability to find and/or verify information.
Won't or some other weather site confirm of disconfirm the claim? And: Did your letter writer ask for money to buy slurpies and snow cones for the troops?
posted on
06/26/2007 11:39:04 AM PDT
(the admin moderator ordered me to "lose" my tagline.)
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
When I was anchored off the coast of Oman in 1987 (US Navy), the temps by day were 110-115, but at night they fell to the 70s. In fact, we would freeze at night because we all lost so much weight and acclimated. And we were only there for 3 months. I am 5’4” and by the time we left there, I only weighed 103 lbs. My best normal weight is around 120.
To: Asclepius
Why are you so hostile?
I didn’t have a weather resource that would give me info outside of the U.S.. I now know that I can use thanks to FR.
What part of prayer request don’t you understand?
To: A_perfect_lady
Wow, that is quite a temp change. Thank you for serving.
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
...Freepers are known for their ability to find and/or verify informa It's been verified. This post in an untitled vanity posted on the News thread.
/h :oP
posted on
06/26/2007 11:47:14 AM PDT
(I buy gas for my SUV with the Carbon Offsets I sell on Ebay!)
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
When my kid was there, I'd send them cases of those first aid ice packs, the kind you punch and they turn cold.
The guys loved them!
To: 2banana
Yeah, dry like a blowtorch...
posted on
06/26/2007 11:57:23 AM PDT
(Everything happens as God wants it to.....otherwise, things would be different.)
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
Why are you so hostile?
I don't know exactly. I think it has to do with some questionable parenting that I received in the 70s. So you see, I am the victim here, so perhaps you should be more understanding. But seriously, was there a request for money or even an understanding that donations would be accepted somewhere in this letter, whether suggested, implied, or insinuated? There are pastors on television who link prayers to donations, so my question is not without warrant or precedent.
posted on
06/26/2007 11:57:51 AM PDT
(the admin moderator ordered me to "lose" my tagline.)
To: notpoliticallycorewrecked
A little less than Sigonella Italy which hit 112 yesterday in Catania. Lost power over the area and everything. It is a scorture over here in these areas. Global Warming anyone??? lol.
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