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To: BornInASmallTown
Don't be surprised if friendly fire incidents increase.
3 posted on
06/16/2007 8:45:00 AM PDT by
(God is not a God of fear, but of power, love and a sane mind.)
To: BornInASmallTown
If you don’t support amnesty you want America to lose!!!!
[/pro amnesty spinmeister mode]
4 posted on
06/16/2007 8:45:42 AM PDT by
(Greed is NOT a conservative ideal.)
To: BornInASmallTown
I’m not particularly opposed to this provision. Foreigners who are willing to give their lives for this country should be granted citizenship at the end of their service.
7 posted on
06/16/2007 8:48:20 AM PDT by
To: BornInASmallTown
It also woudl grant their dependents full benefits and give them the right to bring their relatives into the country.
9 posted on
06/16/2007 8:51:01 AM PDT by
(They screwed up their own countries so bad they had to leave, and now they're here screwing up ours)
To: BornInASmallTown
I would have to question the priorities/motives of an immigrant service member.
Citizens fight their country. Which country does the illegal serve?
Rome tried this also - you see how that turned out.
10 posted on
06/16/2007 8:54:38 AM PDT by
(I Relieve Myself In Islam's General Direction While I Deny Global Warming.)
To: BornInASmallTown; JackRyanCIA
Yeah, swell. And what will be the cost to taxpayers for a fully bilingual DoD support infrastructure?
Since English isn't mandatory, we just can't hurt anybodys' feelings, can we???? [/sarc]
13 posted on
06/16/2007 8:57:34 AM PDT by
("Why can’t we start solving the problem by breaking up Big Government?"- MortMan)
To: 1_Inch_Group; 2sheep; 2Trievers; 3AngelaD; 3pools; 3rdcanyon; 4Freedom; 4ourprogeny; 7.62 x 51mm; ..
To: BornInASmallTown
just like the Irish in the Civil War.
16 posted on
06/16/2007 9:05:00 AM PDT by
To: BornInASmallTown
A pathway to cannon fodder
17 posted on
06/16/2007 9:07:20 AM PDT by
(The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction)
To: BornInASmallTown
18 posted on
06/16/2007 9:11:56 AM PDT by
To: BornInASmallTown
>>A little-noticed provision in the proposed immigration bill would grant instant legal status<<
They already get “instant legal status” without any military service in the amnesty bill. It seems to me that the “instant amnesty” in the bill would actually remove that incentive for illegals to serve.
21 posted on
06/16/2007 9:12:44 AM PDT by
(Illegals: representation without taxation--Citizens: taxation without representation)
To: BornInASmallTown
This doesn't bother me.
This is earned citizenship.
22 posted on
06/16/2007 9:14:23 AM PDT by
To: BornInASmallTown
750,000? Hmmmmm?
How soon can we get them trained and lined up on the Iranian border?
26 posted on
06/16/2007 9:26:18 AM PDT by
(AMNESTY: See what BROWN can do for you..)
To: BornInASmallTown
little-noticed provision in the proposed immigration bill would grant instant legal status and ultimately full citizenship to illegal immigrants if they enlist in the US military, an idea the Pentagon and military analysts say would boost the Pentagon's flagging efforts to find and recruit qualified soldiersMost of them are high school dropouts and don't speak English. The idea that the miliary is salivating over this new source of volunteers is nonsense.
32 posted on
06/16/2007 9:36:59 AM PDT by
To: BornInASmallTown
There was a program of this sort in 1974 when I enlisted. A soldier I knew in basic was from the Phillipines, and was expecting to become a citizen at the end of his enlistment.
This is a GOOD idea amid a plethora of horrible ones in the amnesty bill.
35 posted on
06/16/2007 9:43:42 AM PDT by
To: BornInASmallTown
LOL so let me get this right we will make them legal then eventually they will be assigned to the national guard which in turn will help protect our southern borders???? I do not think so!
40 posted on
06/16/2007 9:51:32 AM PDT by
(If you see Known Illegal Immigrants it is your civic duty to report them)
To: BornInASmallTown
What a perfect setup for terrorists, drug dealers, and assorted deviants.
42 posted on
06/16/2007 9:56:10 AM PDT by
To: BornInASmallTown
It will give the globalists a military who will shoot American citizens when they get uppity.
Right now, they can’t depend on the military to do that.
To: BornInASmallTown
predicted he would try to resurrect it and call it something else. We have to keep our guard up. We need to keep the pressure up. We have no choice but to fight. The oligarchy wants cheap labor and a destruction of the middle class and the millionaire democrats want votes they can count on. A marriage made in HELL.
STAGE TWO is to go after the people who hire illegals. Start giving them fines and arresting them. Just catch ten or 100 of them on the nightly news. The magnet will dry up and most of the 12 million will go home by themselves.
As an addendum, we should anonymously call the IRS, people working "off the books" means taxes ain't being paid. Make anonymous fliers and hang them around the neighborhood, name names. It's time to embarrass these bustards, whether they give to the GOP or Rats, we don't need them.
Bombard the Democrats as well, especially the ones that ran on an anti illegal immigration plank and the ones in marginal districts who could be vulnerable. keep pounding on them. This is a bipartisan issue not a Conservative or Liberal issue BUT AN AMERICAN issue.
The best way to stop Shamnesty
52 posted on
06/16/2007 10:33:03 AM PDT by
(quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat ( Islamia Delenda Est ))
To: BornInASmallTown
This article is unbelievably dishonest. It omits a critical fact. As an alternative to the two years of military service, eligible illegals can substitute two years of community college (or other college).
Now that’s absurd IMO—and the advocates of the shamnesty bill are trying to conceal it and play up the benefits to the military instead. Those using the two years of college option would also become eligible for all sorts of higher ed assistance (including instate tuition) at huge cost to the taxpayers. No one wants to talk about that.
They would get green cards in three years, pay no fine, and would not have to “touch back” to their country of origin. Keep that in mind the next time you hear Bush, Graham Chertoff, McCain et al claim that the process would take 13 years, involve a 5K fine and require people to leave the country.
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