The diluted stuff in toothpaste and some municipal water is not.
This was a tin-foil hat issue about 10 years ago, people thinking they were being poisoned with fluoridated water.
I don't believe it was considered poison...I thought the concern was that Libruls were using it to soften our minds to be more receptive to Dan Rather & Tom Brokenjaw mind control (see the movie 'Dr. Strangelove')...
There IS a poison control number on toothpaste. So the government is feeding any misplaced hysteria.
a couple of personal small examples - here in my state - children in a school were hospitalized when poisoned due to the mixture of fluoride being too high in the drinking water. And my grandson's teeth are permanently mottled from being given fluoride drops by the dentist.
Calcium fluoride, the natural occurring form of fluoride, is not poisonous.
the form put in toothpaste and water is sodium fluoride and fluorosalicic acid. They are industrial byproducts that are so notoriously toxic that they are used in rat poison and insecticides. They are toxic byproducts of the aluminum industry and fertilizer production.
gotta hand it too 'em, it's a lot cheaper the hoodwink the public into thinking it has the same benefits as the naturally occurring calcium fluoride = they don't have to pay millions of dollars to dispose of toxic waste.
The warning on the toothpaste tubes is pretty stark, considering the FDA is in bed with big industry. The FDA was forced into this -= a compromise, rather than just banning it, which it should.