McCaskill did a great job yesterday when she called for the heads of employers who hire illegal aliens!
She put many Republican leaders to shame.
Those who:
1) had LET This probly get as FAR as it has the last 20 years!
2) HIRE Illegals,
3) the POLICE who KNOW who are the Illegals and do nothing in Local Towns,
4) Those LOCAL Sheriff, Mayor, Officials AND their RELATIVES who START UP Comapnaies for teh sole reason they CAN “HIRE” Illegals for the positions,
5) Those SENATORS/House memebers who Have THEIR ;Mansions built, Yards done , Lawns trimmed , Yachts’ cleaned and staffed ,Daughter’s Weddings staffed, Servants and maids in THEIR mansions around the world.\
6) Those hypocrite MEDIA Elitists TOO who do the same!
There’s enough blame to go aorund INCLUDING Blaming “US”; voters-out there for LETTING it go on for this long!
McCaskill won office through the money and power of big labor out of Kansas City and St. Louis.
I can’t imagine that the unions would like this bill. I’m sure they have conveyed that to her.