What happened to the “Greeley Alert” warning???
Greeley is an idiot. Ask Greeley why to even bother having borders in his world. If illegal immigration is no different than legal immigration then borders are meaningless.
Since Greeley is a world citizen and not merely an American or Canadian (or whatever he is), let him go live in Africa, China or the Middle East so he can preach the good news there...
The thing is, the anti-nation, anti-borders, anti-sovereignty, globalism ideology exists only among the First World Left. The Third World Left is fanatically nationalist, jealous of the sovereignty of its nations, and subscribes to a cult of "indigenousness" that makes nineteenth century American "Know-Nothings" seem like Boss Tweed in comparison (I've long maintained the model of the contemporary Third World Left is not so much the USSR as World War II-era Japan). The radical Mexicans who are coming here aren't doing it to create an integrated "North American Union" but to take back the "violated" mother soil which allegedly produced him and to expel the "foreign devil."
I wonder which side is going to be surprised in the end?