On the other hand in the year 2007 with terrorism what it is and knowing that we already have a possible zillion bad guys in the country now, I am not ready to compromise the security of the nation by agreeing to let most anyone walk across the border.
Additionally both sides have already proven that no matter what the congress and president sign in to law they may still screw us like they are doing with the border fence that was signed into Law but can't quite seem to get built.
So if I have to play hard ball on one issue and compromise on much of the rest let it be the security of the nation.
Roast Pork with Yorkshire Pudding
Slice of custard tart and pumpkin pie
Hear Hear. Couldn’t have said it better. Terrorism changes everything — and should have changed our perspective on border security.
Oh I agree completely. I cannot for life of me figure out what the DC Establishment thinks it is accomplishing here. This was a really stupid move politically. The only thing I can hope is the Republican candidate in 2008 can capitalize on this issue.
See, this issue doesn't just split the Republicans. The blue collar base of the Democrat party are not going to be over joyed with the prospect of welcoming millions of immigrants into their urban strongholds. So you have the prospect of Immigration being as much a wedge issue for Democrats as Republicans.
However, I cannot be grateful for a President who is stubborn as heck on Iraq then be angry cause he is stubborn as heck on Immigration. Just like any President, you take the good with the bad.
I am sitting this one out. I can understand and agree with the security issue or the cost issue or the small govt issue involved here but too much of this argument is pure nativist rantings. When the Right goes down that road they lose me.