As someone who has taken a lot of photographs of people, I don’t find it particularly creepy since I don’t know if the guy is winking or not...if it were a video file, then yeah. But I have a boatload of images of people with thier eyes doing strange things in the normal course of having their picture taken.
Lady Bird does look kind of inexplicably...happy. Maybe she knew something we didn’t.
Go and peruse the images all over the’ll see.
I saw this stuff way before the Internet was even avant garde.
Lady Bird was back then typical....clueless.
Curious, it has taken me just about half a century of order for me to come to the place where I can discern cynicism from naivete.
In those days, women were kept out of the equations, and though stupid, that was how it was done.
Times have changed, and women are now better off, and well represented. Praise God!
Notice he’s the only one facing the camera.
Like no one on earth ever blinked when a flashbulb goes off.
Yep, sure, riiiight.