Indeed - show a university a 1400+ SAT and doors open all over the place no matter where the education took place. A 1400 places the student in the top 5% of test takers and that is indeed impressive.
That is all that is needed to get a good education, even in today’s dumbed down, run by Dumocrat schools. There are magnet schools, IB programs and AP classes galore in most communities. And they are free (except to taxpayers) And if you don’t like the public schools the Catholic schools offer a great education and most do so on an ability to pay basis. The biggest problem is most kids don’t give a sh**. And their parents haven’t sufficiently inculcated the value of education.
I just met a girl from Honduras whose Dad works in a toll booth but she got accepted to BOTH Harvard and MIT (with full scholarship offers to both). Her education didn’t cost her folks a dime. She just wanted it badly and worked hard enough to finish at the top of her class. The kids themselves and their self-absorbed boomer parents are to blame. Anyone that wants a good education and is willing to work for it can get one in this country.