Posted on 05/19/2007 10:49:11 AM PDT by Zakeet
Edited on 05/19/2007 11:14:35 AM PDT by Sidebar Moderator. [history]
This morning, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial endorsing the Kennedy McCain Immigration Bill with the proviso that it unfairly restricted immigration to persons with the greatest skills, and still provided too many barriers to entry.
This afternoon, they published their readers' responses, which can be summarized in one word: Outrage!
Reading between the lines, journalists like to post one or two flames, and a lot of favorable comments. In this case that was apparently impossible.
You can read the original editorial here, and you can read the comments on Free Republic here.
oh boo, they didn’t publish my response. Probably becasue I said they’d made plain their desire for a “helot class” in America.
Did anyone just hear that McCain and Cornyn had words over this and McCain used the “f” word? (Or is it old news and I’m the only one who didn’t know?)
The Journal folks have turned into corporate libertines and aside from wishing to have low taxes, have far more in common with Democrats than America-first conservatives.
...and frankly, there is no other kind of conservative than the one who places the interests of America first.
“Reading between the lines, journalists like to post one or two flames, and a lot of favorable comments. In this case that was apparently impossible.”
I bet they got 10,000 angry replies and 1 positive reply. :)
So they still fudged the #’s.
I refer to it as the Wall Street Urinal these days.
It’s just about up there with the Washington ComPost, the NY Slimes, the Arizona Repugnant, the San Fransisco Chronic Smoker, The Sacramento BeeEss, The Chicago Scum-Times, The Minneapolis Red Star, Atlanta Urinal-Constipation, etc.
“If this atrocity of a bill passes, the majority of the American people, who support attrition through law enforcement instead of the phony “make legal or deport” choice you offer instead, will understand war has been declared on them by their elites and their government.
Be advised.”
Scary but I can see it coming. When the vote no longer holds power....maybe Jefferson had a point.
What is interesting is that there are so many reasons why this amnesty bill is dead wrong that you can get such a variety of excoriating, good, objections to it.
The WSJ has been championing globalism, open borders, and the equivalent of NAU/EU for decades. They’re the GOP’s globalist wing in the MSM. Does none of this surprise anyone?
Just possible it may not yet be too late...
“Hot Topic - Reader Responses to the Wall Street Journal’s IMMIGRATION OPENING Editorial”
Dear Educated Morons At The Wall Street Journal:
Most hard-working citizens don’t enjoy turning over the fruits of
their labor in taxes.
They will be even more angry IF the linked story below is true.
And they will probably follow the example of my family members that
ended their long-term subscriptions to The Wall Street Journal when
they FINALLY realize you are a positive danger to their accumulation
of hard- and honestly-earned profits!
Bush Removes Provision Requiring Back taxes From Illegal Immigrants
Boston Globe ^ | May 19, 2007 | Michael Kranish
Spent most of my life, thus far, working where Wall Streeters have their play homes. They lust after cheap labor, and have no thought for how they have crapped their nest.
Yes, by all means, call, write, and email, and get your friends to do so too.
As a Vermonter, my three critters in Washington are totally hopeless and unreachable by any conservative message whatever, but I did contact Bush and told him I thought he was going to destroy the party, his country, and his legacy as president.
If you have congress critters or senators who are even remotely liable to losing their base over this bill, by all means write them all.
Last time I said this, people said I should write my congresscritters anyway. But Leahy and Sanders are totally hopeless, and our new congressman is even worse, if that were possible.
I don’t know what you are complaining about, I have DiFi and Boxer for senators and lungren(who isn’t terrible, but not great)for a rep. I have called them and written though I know it is useless I still want to clog up their phone lines and emails.
>>There was one favorable comment (from a Citizen of the Peoples Republic of Mass.) arguing that the bill is better than nothing and that it may be another 10 years before we get something else.<<
And that Citizen got the price wrong. They need at most $1000 just to stay here indefinitely, and that is less than a coyote would charge for a single entry. I also read that agricultural workers only had to pay $100, but it’s hard to tell, since they won’t make the text of the deal public.
"Though no one wants to reward illegal behavior, we must find a way for these workers to come forward, make good on the past and participate in a program that leads to permanent residency and eventual citizenship."
The Rogues Gallery Of Signatories To The Above Statement:
Not only will the illegal aliens get amnesty after they broke into our country, but because of the racist affirmative action programs, they will get even greater advantages that they do not deserve.
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