So somebody who "holds blindly" to a religious opinion that say, the best creeds are LDS ones [the supposed definition of bigotry] because said voter is LDS himself/herself, and converts that opinion into a vote for an LDS candidate is also a "bigot" in your definition?
Those LDS who vote for Mitt or any LDS candidate only because--or primarily because-those candidates are Mormons are "bigots?"
You can't have it both ways: You can't say folks who take character issues (and faith is one of those) into consideration to vote against a candidate is a "bigot"...but voters who likewise take character/faith issues into consideration to vote for one are not.
I am not suggesting that anyone blindly holds to any religion. Many people change their religion at various stages in their lives because they find another “truth”. Does that mean they were bad before their change?
We are all bigoted to some degree I suppose, I think I would find it very hard to vote for a Moslem for any office. However if that Moslem presented a platform that harshly berated Islomafasts I might be convinced to vote for him.
Blind faith works two ways. If you only see things your way and blindly ignore the good in others then I would say your blindness has a detrimental effect.