I watched the debates and Brit and crew did a great job. What a difference from the last debate.
First laugh of the night was when of the candidates dissed Edwards and his expensive haircuts. The audience laughed so loud and applauded too and this was in S.C., Edwards birth state..you know, where he grew up the son of a cotton mill worker...lol...
LOL! I think that happened just as I was turning it on. I will take your word that tonight was better. I did not see the last debate, would NEVER turn on anything with hissy matthews, so I had nothing with which to compare.
I saw that joke in the re-run and also on the Hanity and Colmes followup show before the re-run.
I thought it was a great debate. Ron Paul - welllll, this was my first time to have the Ron Paul experience. Why is he there?????
Loved Duncan, and Rudy spoke well. I have to say I always seem to lean toward McCain, as I sense a “warrior” in him. I understand he is not too highly esteemed by many here on this forum.
I wish Duncan had a prayer (sigh). He spoke so succintly and straight to the issues last night. On message, as my hubby says.
Dr. Deb says it’s too early, but it’s nice to watch the thinning of the herd.
I noticed Ron Paul came in #2 in the “vote” for who won. LOL - must have been a LOT of DUmmies voting. Those stinkers!