We prefer that our law enforcement officers actually spend their time busting real criminals like drug couriers and illegal alien smugglers than spend time having to go to court over BS little traffic charges. We think it’s a better use of our tax dollars. Once the drug issues and illegal issues go away, maybe we’ll think about changing that.
By the way, we had a budget surplus this year in TX. How’s the revenue stream in CA again?
Our revenue stream is not the problem in California. It is the amount being spent out on the social programs that the illegals are using in droves. Our state government spends at a rate that would make druken sailors blush. So, in Texas they don’t care about the number of people killed on the highway by careless and reckless drivers who exceed the speed limit by 20+ miles per hour (and are often under the influence of some substance too)? Or, perhaps in Texas they don’t have people killed on the highways by reckless drivers? Human life that cheap in Texas?