Since she wrote this a little over two years ago, it seems almost prophetic when she wrote:
Conservatives are currently searching for a man of pro-American principles whom they can support for President in 2008. The Republican Senator or Governor who steps up to the plate can hit a home run if he leads the battle against LOSTs enormous wealth transfer to the unpopular United Nations.Hmmm... I wonder where Fred Thompson is on this? I suspect against. Anybody have more info?
The link is at the bottom of my post #13.
I’ve been checking for Hunter on this. Have not found anything, I’ll look for Fred.
Reagan didn’t like it.
Law of the Sea Treaty threatens sovereignty
Paul Weyrich
November 23, 2004
In 1982, President Reagan decided LOST was a Treaty that would not be in our country’s best interest to ratify, primarily because of his concern regarding the provisions governing deep seabed mining. However, our concern should extend well beyond that. LOST would have our country surrender its sovereignty on the seas to a body called the International Seabed Authority (ISA), whose membership is stacked in favor of Third World nations. If the Senate ratifies LOST, we will have given the ISA the authority to determine what rights our country will have to mine minerals located on the ocean floor and the right to tax their extraction. More than that, we also will have granted the ISA the right to regulate our transfers of military technology, even the right to determine in what situations our Navy can stop a vessel.
Conflicts involving LOST will not be settled by our country’s courts but by an international tribunal.[snip]