I shall leave you to the falsehood of your vain Imaginations, and content myself with the FACT that Ron Paul was Ronald Reagan's chosen Leader of his Electoral Delegation from Texas.
(and YOU, by the way, WEREN'T).
That's cute, but unfortunately you're getting your elections mixed up. Paul was a Reagan delegate in 1976, when Reagan lost the GOP nomination. Ed Clark, the Libertarian nominee, was Reagan's opponent in 1980. If the one million libertarians who agree with Paul's foreign policy had supported Reagan's ideas, they would have voted for him. They didn't. They voted for Clark in that election. Nothing you say or do will change that FACT.
Paul's isolationist platform has far, far more in common with Ed Clark's isolationist platform. In the words of Ed Clark's libertarian supporters, Reagan's platform represented "whooping it up for more and more war: in Korea. at the Berlin Wall, in Cuba, in Vietnam. Only recently Reagan called for a vast (his word) increase in military spending when we already have enough missiles to destroy Russia many times over in a second nuclear strike. Reagan calls for intervention everywhere, in the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan, and demands the blockade of Cuba in alleged retaliation for the incursion into Afghanistan."
If you'd like to dispute that fact and claim that Paul's platform somehow resembles Reagan's above policy, feel free to do so. In the debate I watched, Paul denounced such a platform as 180o degrees away from his own beliefs and made his opposition to Bush following such polices a centerpiece of his campaign.