You were either lying when you claimed service in the VRS, or were and are lying when you deny it, as I've explained to you on numerous occasions.
Either way, you're a liar, and therefore aren't worth wasting too much time on, as I've also explained to you.
You just go ahead and run away.... “Toodles”, we’ll understand.
Yet it is still Serbia.
And have you no comment at all about these KLA-wannabe's trying to murder our troops here in the US?
When do you begin your fundraiser so you can help support the victimized Albanian defense to help these traitorious poor shiptars, huhh?
wow, you are a POS, hoplite. You advocate for someone to kill me, yet these people attack the very nation and govt you swore to defend. Yet, you do not stroke your keyboard to denounce their terrorist acts.
Remember, you’re the one that pointed out that the status of Kosovo would be resolved in January (2007). Right(?) or am I’m correct?