To: tiredoflaundry
Harry Reid was invited, but declined.
Can he get any lower?????
To: Right_in_Virginia
28 posted on
05/07/2007 4:20:24 PM PDT by
(The greatest danger to our troops is the Congress of the United States.)
To: Right_in_Virginia
Laura Bush is SO classy. I love her. :)
Man...after hearing her give the run down of tonights entertainment and dining experience, I’m SO jealous...
29 posted on
05/07/2007 4:20:40 PM PDT by
(Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.)
To: Right_in_Virginia
Actually, kudos to Reid for this—though his intent was probably not the same as personal opinion on this.
57 posted on
05/07/2007 4:39:43 PM PDT by
Jedi Master Pikachu
( What is your take on Acts 15:20 (abstaining from blood) about eating meat? Could you freepmail?)
To: Right_in_Virginia
Harry Reid was invited, but declined.
Can he get any lower????? Yes
BTW .. he looks VERY childish in blowing off the Queen all because he's mad at the President
133 posted on
05/07/2007 5:31:31 PM PDT by
To: Right_in_Virginia
I thought in the various books of etiquette that the last thing one does is to decline an invitation to the White House. Why are we (and that’s the Royal We) not surprised Reid would do that ?
167 posted on
05/07/2007 6:33:13 PM PDT by
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