Posted on 05/06/2007 1:30:14 PM PDT by bnelson44
The Army National Guard reached its congressionally authorized end strength of 350,000 Citizen-Soldiers on March 30, six months earlier than originally projected, Army Guard officials have reported.
"The strength of the Guard has been the amazing levels of retention among members of deployed units, surpassing all expectations," said Lt. Col. Diana Craun, the Army Guards deputy chief for strength maintenance.
"Retention is highest among units that have returned from deployments, and retention is an essential element in end strength," she added.
It is the first time that the Army Guard has been at full strength since 1999, Craun said. Officials had projected that the Army Guard would reach 350,000 troops by Sept. 30, the end of this fiscal year.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
But the polls say that no one in the USA supports the war, so how can this possibly happen? I am beginning to think there will be a rude awakening for Democrats in the ‘08 elections as they become the party of defeat.
I am sure this story will be headlines in the MSM and in Murtha’s local paper.
More than 70 percent of the new readiness and retention NCOs have served in Iraq or Afghanistan or elsewhere during the Global War on Terrorism and can speak firsthand about the challenges and the benefits of serving in the Guard. Officials believe that the risks are now being balanced by the rewards.
good, let’s start protecting our southern borders.
If you haven't seen this yet: A campaign by active-duty troops asking Congress to drop plans for a withdrawal from Iraq. Lt. Jason Nichols, a 33-year-old naval projects officer who has been in Baghdad since mid-January, said the goal is to keep lawmakers focused on letting the military finish its mission in Iraq, and not prematurely declare failure
Petitions for civilians:
but,.. Mooo-LAH Murtha, Princess Pelosi, and Lord Haw-Haw Reid sid it’s broken and despirited. < / sarc
No, this isn’t possible. The ron Paul fans and other FR anti-Bush whiners are always telling me that the war has destroyed our ability to recruit. They must be right.../s
“the first time that the Army Guard has been at full strength since 1999...on April 18 that the Army Guard had reached its congressionally authorized end strength of 350,000 on March 30, six months earlier than projected.
The general predicted 356,000 members by the end of the year if current recruiting programs remain in place.”
Considering the fact that they have a government that refuses to back them and a free press that continually excoriates them, the courage and patriotism of these young people amazes me.
With this many troops we need to send a message to Iran and the euroweasels. Fear us.
” I am beginning to think there will be a rude awakening for Democrats in the 08 elections as they become the party of defeat.”
from your lips to Gods ears.
eat that news, Murtha !
oh wait, I just did.
Heh. I lurked here for quite some time before joining. And I started annoying liberals on Usenet about 15 years ago. So I've been around the block (and banninated) a time or two. Do you remember Archie, Veronica and Gopher? How about when when Mosaic was the big deal?
I didn’t get on the Internet actually the web, until 95.
so, I’ll get out of your way :)
fought the terrorists in Baghdad instead of filling sandbags in Louisiana
I agree with you. I too believe the dems have overreached in their desperate grab for defeat in order to pacify their looney leftist base, and they’re insulting our military and offending the vast majority of Americans, who would like the war to be over (no one likes war), but want it to be over with a WIN - a new, stable and reliable ally in the Mideast.
Thank you for that. I’m getting a little tired of every thread about Pres. Bush, Republicans, our military, or the war on terror turning into a “Bush is selling our country to the Mexicans” thread.
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