Posted on 05/06/2007 5:48:30 AM PDT by shrinkermd
MY WIFE AND I just had an abortion. Two, actually. We walked into a doctor's office in downtown Los Angeles with four thriving fetuses two girls and two boys and walked out an hour later with just the girls, whom we will name, if we're lucky enough to keep them, Rosalind and Vivian. Rosalind is my mother's name.
We didn't want to. We didn't mean to. We didn't do anything wrong, which is to say, we did everything right. Four years ago, when Tina and I set out on this journey to have children, such a circumstance was unimaginable. And yet there I was, holding her hand, watching the ultrasound as a needle with potassium chloride found its mark, stopping the heart of one male fetus, then the other, hidden in my wife's suffering belly.
We don't feel guilty. We don't feel ashamed. We're not even really sad, because terminating these fetuses at 15 weeks' gestation was a medical imperative. This has been a white-knuckle pregnancy from Day 1, and had it gone on as it was going, Tina's health would have been in jeopardy, according to her doctor. The fact is, multiple pregnancies are high risk, and they can go bad very suddenly. I wasn't going to allow that, though the fires of hell might beckon.
In the midst of this experience, practically on the eve of our procedure, the U.S. Supreme Court announced its ruling in Gonzales vs. Carhart, upholding the federal ban on a rare obstetrical procedure called intact dilation and extraction, or intact D&E, also known as "partial-birth" abortion.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I should have paid more attention to the "barf" notice. There went my coffee and toast.
I'm going to go sit with my sons now and pray for these miserable, misled people and their children, living and dead.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
> And yet there I was, holding her hand, watching the
> ultrasound as a needle with potassium chloride found its
> mark, stopping the heart of one male fetus, then the
> other, hidden in my wife’s suffering belly.
> We don’t feel guilty. We don’t feel ashamed. We’re not
> even really sad, because terminating these fetuses at
> 15 weeks’ gestation was a medical imperative.
This is the definition of cold-blooded, premeditated murder.
May the LORD open their eyes to the sickening brutality they have perpetrated on two fellow human beings.
Dr. Mengele would be proud!
These people are sick in their heads and sick in their hearts.
The only thing that can heal a soul so far gone is Jesus Christ.
“We don’t feel guilty. We don’t feel ashamed. We’re not even really sad”
Then you are monsters.
Probably the least of this doctor's problems.
> The physician who performed our reduction asked that her
> name not be used, for fear that she might be terrorized
> by some gun-toting antiabortion extremist.
Given that she murders babies for money, and that she has no remorse for it, a “gun-toting antiaborion extremist” will be the LEAST of her worries when the Ultimate Antiaborion Extremist has His say.
So much for abortion being a “personal, private decision between a woman and her doctor”, as the libs are always telling us. Now they’re throwing it in our faces.
And talk about greed! The couple had 5 embryos implanted at the same time. What did they think was going to happen? They were in such a hurry they couldn’t try implanting just 2 at a time?
The only thing a Liberal/Marxist is “pro choice” about is killing babies.
The Marxists/Liberals then want the government to control and dictate every other aspect of our lives.
Hm...A 12 year old is mature enough to “choose” a competent abortionist, but her parents are too stupid to choose a school.
These people make me sick! I call them the Death Eaters!
the sickos are crawling out of the woodwork these days.
It seems to me that this article speaks for itself. I know a young woman who desperately wants a child. Doctors told her that if she tried fertility treatments she would have to be prepared for a “reduction” since her health would not permit carrying more than one fetus. She passed on the treatment, but it would be hard for me to blame her if she made the opposite decision.
These are real dilemmas that people face every day. You can’t just dismiss them as MSM propaganda. If you disagree with this couple’s choice, then you have to confront the issues directly.
Oh lady you better hope for a long, long life because when it comes time to answer to God it ain't going to be pretty.
I frankly do not believe this article. It fits the pro abortion template to perfectly and hits all the talking points of this group. It even took an obligatory swipe at the second amendment and our right to bear arms. I think this whole damn article is false! I think the author is a liar.
It is also very convenient that if challenged on the article the author will say he must protect the privacy and life of the mother and father from “gun toting right wing anti abortion fanatics.” /Sarcasm
Brilliant! as the Weasleys say. I will make a point of using it.
Well, Dan, when you are old and inconvenient to those daughters you will be rearing with your utilitarian values, you might be given the needle and similarly dispatched. They certainly won’t want to be encumbered with such an elderly mother and father when they are 40.
Did anyone else notice the term “reduction” used here? Interesting euphemism for infanticide.
Words have power.
That’s as disturbing an article as I have ever read.
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