Yes. Utah Mormons are legendary. I have not had first hand experience, since I have never lived there, but have heard some of the stories. Wouldn’t it be something like take the most overzealous member in any other area and multiply it by three?
Well, to be fair, some of the best people I knew on my mission were from Utah. There are some of the cream of the crop there. My mission president and my favorite companion are both Utahans.
There does, also, tend to be a lot more cliqueishness (is that a word?), speaking generally. Also, many more Mormons there tend to be active in the Church because it’s the “popular” and “socially acceptable” thing to do, not because they are spiritual followers of Christ. This kind is very destructive to the image of the LDS Church, and we often hear General Conference talks specifically chastising such people.
But I should get off this soapbox before I get too worked up.