OK-I’m throwing out my frozen tilapia from China “with carbon monxide-to retain natural color” ewww
It’s interesting to note the tremedous rise of autism in the last 15 years and another writer’s note that it’s not necessarily malamine but the addition of it to mixtures in food that causes it to form a toxic substance.
... the pigment fixative as it is called helps the meat keep a rosy hue for weeks on end. Meatpackers are high on the gas because they think it could save them maybe $1 billion a year on meat that it discards or discounts because picky shoppers pass over the brown-hued cuts, even though, the industry says, theyre reasonably fresh and perfectly safe.
We got that crap once. Big mistake. Tasted like goldfish (well, like a goldfish bowl smells). I don't trust freshwater fish-farm fish anyway, and absolutely not from China. Good move.