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Bad day at Blacksburg (When guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns) ^ | 4/27/07 | Burt Prelutsky

Posted on 04/26/2007 11:36:59 PM PDT by JohnHuang2

By this time, much has been said and written about the tragic events that took place in Blacksburg. Naturally, much of the attention has been focused on guns. As usual, those on the Left have insisted that it’s simply more evidence that guns should be removed from society. Those on the Right, being far more logical, respond by pointing out that if somebody at Virginia Tech Complete article here


When guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, including their own government. -- George Washington

Venus Ramey, Miss America 1944, was about to get robbed yet again last week at her south-central Kentucky farm, so she exercised 'gun control' by holding her snub-nosed .38-caliber weapon steady as she shot out the tires of the thief's would-be getaway car, using her walker to steady her aim with each shot. The 82-year-old pistol-packin'-mama then flagged down a passing motorist and calmly held the thief at gunpoint until the Sheriff arrived. (The Sheriff had just finished an urgent call at Donkin' Donuts.) Miss America's farm apparently was not a "gun-free zone." But according to New York Times editorials, people like Ramey would be much safer unarmed. Liberals would love to make all of America a "gun-free zone," just like they'd love to 'fix' American health care by making it one giant Walter Reed system.

The idiocy of "gun control" and 'gun-free' zoning at Virginia Tech helped get 32 of its students and teachers shot to death, so liberals insist the solution is even more gun control. And bigger 'gun-free' zoning. (New libbie slogan: People don't kill people, guns do.)

To make college campuses even safer, I suppose the next thing they'll do is chase off military recruiters -- oops, they're already doing that.

After patiently allowing families an appropriate period for grieving -- 10 seconds -- the New York Times opined that "what is needed, urgently, is stronger controls over the lethal weapons that cause such wasteful carnage and such unbearable loss." 'Lethal weapons' are notorious for turning beacons of mental health like Cho Seung-Hui into raving mass killers.

Speaking of raving lunatics, Rep. Jim Moran accused the GOP of Cho's killing rampage, charging hysterically that allowing the "Assault Weapons Ban" to lapse was the reason for the shooting -- an insane and moranic charge.

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy revealed that Cho's shooting rampage was caused by the 'gun lobby.' Cho's rampage "could have been avoided [had] congressional leaders stood up to the gun lobby," she said. A few months ago, the blithering genius introduced the "Assault Weapons Ban of 2007" which also regulates weapons with pistol grips and a barrel shroud. To stop a gunman hellbent on killing, just pass a law about a barrel shroud. Anyone can see that the homicidal maniac screaming in that "video manifesto" just needs a barrel shroud law. America already has 20,000 gun laws on the books -- one more and it'll be paradise. (Asked on MSNBC what a "barrel shroud" is, McCarthy said she didn't know.)

Cho attended a government university run by liberals and filled with liberal professors teaching liberal dogma -- so you know it had to be the NRA.

ABC's Brian Ross reported that the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 banned the use of high-capacity magazines that Cho didn't even use, which prompted Sen. Schumer to demand renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban.

Sen. Patrick Leahy responded to Virginia Tech by holding hearings on those eight U.S. attorneys.

On the basis of no credible evidence, liberals are ready to shut down the American economy because of 'global warming,' yet show them stacks and stacks of statistics that more guns equals less crime and they respond by lapsing into hysteria. The Spanish train bombings were caused by a lack of train control! The shoe bomber -- lack of shoe control! Carjackings -- lack of car control! Global warming -- lack of toilet paper control!

Monday's Sydney Morning Herald of Australia noted how "two teenagers who wanted to experience murder told police it 'felt right' to strangle a friend (using speaker wire) and bury her body in a shallow grave." Australia needs to ban speaker wire.

After 1960, liberals made it harder and harder to buy guns legally. After 1960, we got more and more killing rampages like Virginia Tech. Every time some nut fires at a crowd, liberals express shock that criminals don't obey gun laws -- then insist it's proof we need more gun laws. I have it on good authority it's already illegal to murder 32 people, yet Cho murdered 32 people.

With regards to security on college campuses and everywhere else, just ask yourself, 'what would Miss America 1944 do?'

* Virginia Tech would not be a declared "Haven for murderers" -- technically known as "gun-free zone." That would've put a serious dent in Cho's plans right there. Things like banning guns, dialing 911 and other elements of Virginia Tech's impeccable security action plan would be gone. Those big signs which read, "Killers be warned: We have no guns here, so stay away!" would vanish too. (To really keep the killers away, start college gun clubs on campus.)

* It would not have taken Miss America over 2 hours after the first two homicides and with a gunman on the loose on campus to realize there was a problem. She'd have preempted the massacre by (a) notifying students before the massacre and (b) locking down the campus. Liberals would scream that kids would be missing classes.

The Virginia Tech massacre didn't happen because of too many Miss Americas with guns, it happened because of too many nuts like Cho who should've ended up in a state mental hospital and not a state university -- where he was stalking students, writing insanely violent plays, committing arson. It was clear from his video that Cho was certifiable -- so certifiable, he'd blend right in at DailyKos.

The liberals who run Virginia Tech didn't consider stalking, setting dormitory rooms on fire, and creeping everyone out on campus enough to warrant kicking him out or even suspension. He never called anyone a "faggot."

And the dormitory room fire was caused by a lack of match control.

Sixteen months before Cho offed his victims, there were so many signals that he was a nut, it convinced even mental health experts. The only reason this whack-job was on the loose is because libbies worry about 'privacy,' which is why states like Virginia absurdly don't share their mental health records with the feds -- even if it's a nut like Cho -- so the gun dealer didn't see a red flag.

But hold on. Scratch the 'privacy rights' veneer and you'll find liberals who think psychos like Cho aren't really psychos, just slightly cuckoo -- the cuckooness nothing more than Cho's 'reasonable' response to the "injustices" of capitalist America. And the cruel, dehumanizing evil of campus food. Cramp campus dorms. Homework. Having to attend classes with "rich" kids around. Cho was just under so much pressure. The air of Marxism in Cho's video 'manifesto' proves comrade Cho was being class oppressed! Libbies think of criminals in much the same way -- they're just a product of horrible Amerika, don't incarcerate, they just need therapy. If you take this idiocy to its next level, every raving nutter and criminal can be "rehabilitated" with just the right 'treatment' and should not be locked up. Whether it's criminals, lunatics or Sunni "insurgents," liberals don't want anyone locked up -- unless he's Tom DeLay.

Libbies got the hots for "deinstitutionalization' -- the practice of keeping Cho out of mental hospitals and in universities -- back in the '60s, class action suing their way into "liberating" mental patients across America, which expanded homelessness, which got liberals complaining about expanded homelessness, which liberals said was caused not by liberals putting mental patients on the streets but by Reagan's tax cuts. It is estimated that up to 50% of the homeless are mentally ill -- those despicable tax cuts.

People squatting in tent cities, city parks and pushing shopping carts filled with garbage -- they'd be doctors and engineers if only taxes were higher!

The 'crowning jewel' of deinstitutionalization was John Kennedy's Community Mental Health Act of 1963, then came the "privacy rules" of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), which gave us Cho. The psychiatric hospital that treated Cho couldn't legally compare notes with Virginia Tech counselors nor dean without Cho's OK as an outpatient. It's notable that just before the HIPAA Privacy and Security Acts went into effect, the big worry was the cost of compliance. And with its complexity, nobody was ready to shoot from the HIPAA. At Virginia Tech, the cost of compliance consisted of 32 dead students and teachers. Because when guns are outlawed, the only one shooting from the hip is the outlaw. Liberals have blood on their hands.

Anyway, that's...
My Two Cents...

TOPICS: Editorial; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: virginiatech
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1 posted on 04/26/2007 11:37:01 PM PDT by JohnHuang2
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To: xm177e2; mercy; Wait4Truth; hole_n_one; GretchenEE; Clinton's a rapist; buffyt; ladyinred; Angel; ..

Have a great weekend, y’all!

2 posted on 04/26/2007 11:37:23 PM PDT by JohnHuang2
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To: JohnHuang2
Liberals have blood on their hands.

An awful lot.

Great one this week John.


3 posted on 04/27/2007 12:04:47 AM PDT by Lurker (Comparing 'moderate' islam to 'extremist' islam is like comparing small pox to plague.)
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To: JohnHuang2

Outstanding editorial. Keep up the good work!

4 posted on 04/27/2007 12:25:28 AM PDT by Neil E. Wright (An oath is FOREVER)
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To: JohnHuang2

That was excellent. I think I’ll keep a copy.

5 posted on 04/27/2007 12:49:30 AM PDT by abigailsmybaby
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To: JohnHuang2
Great editorial.

Couple of points -

The mental health lobby, armed with HIPPA as a club, will never let mental health records become part of the NCIC database. HIPPA is a great shield for them.

Hell, we can't even get medical records for a victim to use in a criminal case without the victim's signature - which is in direct contradiction to HIPPA which contains an exemption for law enforcement. IF we can't get medical providers to cough up what law enforcement needs to prosecute a criminal, does anybody expect the mental health provider lobby to support giving information to law enforcement to help identify and track their patients?

While the level of compliance varies from provider to provider, by and large Health Care Providers are so afraid of HIPPA that they basically refuse to give information without the patient's ok.

Look for more of these shootings as these lunatics, who are crazy but not stupid, see that they can get a national platform of attention if they focus on gun free zones where large quantities of easy targets are available. My biggest concern is that the next one will occur at a day care or elementary school.

6 posted on 04/27/2007 3:39:50 AM PDT by Abundy
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To: JohnHuang2
Cho was certifiable -- so certifiable, he'd blend right in at DailyKos.

No matter what Cho did, he doesn't deserve to defamed like this.

7 posted on 04/27/2007 3:53:42 AM PDT by Hardastarboard ( is an internet hate site.)
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To: JohnHuang2

Haven’t seen you in AGES. How have you been?

8 posted on 04/27/2007 4:22:19 AM PDT by rudy45
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To: Abundy

HIPPA ????
I’ve never seen anything as ridiculous as HIPPA.
My sister-in-law immigrated to this country from Viet Nam in 1990. 5 years ago she became very sick. She went to several doctors, emergency rooms and clinics. Each time they gave her antibiotics and sent her home. This went on for a year and a half and she still wasn’t getting better. Finally she asked me to talk to her doctor because she didn’t understand what her various doctors were telling her. I tried 3 doctors and got no information because I wasn’t her spouse and HIPPA would only allow info to immediate family (spouse,children). Finally I prevailed to the ethics of a surgeon who was treating her for persistent infections. I explained to him that she knew she was sick but didn’t know why. This doctor, who went against the HIPPA secrecy crap, finally told me that she had tuberculosis infections.
We then took her to a tuberculosis specialty clinic and although it took 2 years, she was finally cured of the damn disease.
HIPPA is crap. Nothing more than a liberal plan that appeals to the feelings of security of liberals. To a liberal it is more important to feel safe than to actually be safe.

9 posted on 04/27/2007 4:28:43 AM PDT by BuffaloJack
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To: BuffaloJack
You point out very well the utter absurdity of the HIPAA regs. When my very elderly mother was in the hospital recovering from a hip replacement, her surgeon visited while my cousin and I were there. We are both nurses. She introduced us, and then he said that he couldn't discuss her treatment with her in front of us! We begged him to talk in front of us, as we were going to be the persons who were going to help with her therapy after she was discharged!

In lieu of scrapping the entire mess, there should be a required line on the HIPAA forms designating someone who the medical provider can contact. Not very many sick people are in the best position to understand everything that doctors tell them, simply because they are sick. Everyone needs an advocate - an extra pair of eyes and ears and thinking processes.

10 posted on 04/27/2007 4:44:17 AM PDT by maica (America will be a hyperpower that's all hype and no power -- if we do not prevail in Iraq)
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To: JohnHuang2
(Asked on MSNBC what a "barrel shroud" is, McCarthy said she didn't know.)

Saw this. McCarthy had to be asked 3 times. The first 2 times she evaded the question and the 3rd time she said she didn't know.

11 posted on 04/27/2007 5:06:31 AM PDT by Loyal Buckeye
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To: maica
In lieu of scrapping the entire mess, there should be a required line on the HIPAA forms designating someone who the medical provider can contact. Not very many sick people are in the best position to understand everything that doctors tell them, simply because they are sick. Everyone needs an advocate - an extra pair of eyes and ears and thinking processes.

There is a way around this. It is called a "Power of Attorney." My in-laws both had them naming my wife as the one to make health care decisions. She used the POA as it should be done, and discussed all treatment plan with their physicians. Even though they had dementia and other diseases that altered the way they would make decisions they both received excellent medical care directed by someone who loved them.

After seeing the treatment my in-laws received and the treatment others without a POA received, we have a medical POA in place for each of us including children when they reach 18.

12 posted on 04/27/2007 5:17:22 AM PDT by SLB (Wyoming's Alan Simpson on the Washington press - "all you get is controversy, crap and confusion")
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To: JohnHuang2
Cho attended a government university run by liberals and filled with liberal professors teaching liberal dogma

A land grant university that sponsors ROTC for all four services. A university with a full time Corps of Cadets separate from the ROTC. A university with more Medal of Honor awardees than any other school in the United States, outside of the service academies.

Virginia Tech is an engineering school, not exactly a hotbed of liberalism.

13 posted on 04/27/2007 5:33:24 AM PDT by Terabitten (Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets - E-Frat '94. Unity and Pride!)
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To: JohnHuang2

Cadet Matthew LaPorte is buried in Blacksburg on Thursday.

14 posted on 04/27/2007 5:36:46 AM PDT by Terabitten (Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets - E-Frat '94. Unity and Pride!)
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To: JohnHuang2
... banned the use of high-capacity magazines that Cho didn't even use...

Is this true? I've never seen a confirmation on this one way or the other.

15 posted on 04/27/2007 5:44:08 AM PDT by Jonah Hex ("How'd you get that scar, mister?" "Nicked myself shaving.")
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To: Jonah Hex
... banned the use of high-capacity magazines that Cho did't even use...

Is this true? I've never seen a confirmation on this one way or the other.


16 posted on 04/27/2007 7:21:18 AM PDT by DCBryan1 (Arm Pilots&Teachers. Build the Wall. Export Illegals. Profile Muslims.Kill all child molesters RFN!)
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To: Terabitten
i'm sorry, "hokie" but you need to see how things have changed at VT in the last few years.

fyi, "duckie" & i visited the area for 3 weeks right after Christmas. (fyi,i'm a retired federal LEO & permanently licensed to carry my duty weapon concealed everywhere in the USA.)

at VT, i was told that i couldn't carry (even leaving my 1911A1 in the locked trunk.), as VT is a "gun-free zone".

free dixie,sw

17 posted on 04/27/2007 8:06:52 AM PDT by stand watie ("Resistance to tyrants is OBEDIENCE to God." - T. Jefferson, 1804)
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To: JohnHuang2

Excellent, JH2!!

18 posted on 04/27/2007 8:33:44 AM PDT by blackie (Be Well~Be Armed~Be Safe~Molon Labe!)
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To: Terabitten
fwiw, "duckie", after what we were told said, "well, i guess that VT isn't IN the USA any more. it's a shame nobody told me that." (i HAD to chuckle. she, as many here will tell you, is FUNNY & has a wicked sense of humor.)

free dixie,sw

19 posted on 04/27/2007 8:47:16 AM PDT by stand watie ("Resistance to tyrants is OBEDIENCE to God." - T. Jefferson, 1804)
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To: stand watie

The VT gun-free zone thing is stupid - but that doesn’t make it a “government university run by liberals and filled with liberal professors teaching liberal dogma.”

There are lots of univerities I would characterize that way - mostly private liberal arts colleges like Evergreen State or Brown University.

20 posted on 04/27/2007 8:52:08 AM PDT by Terabitten (Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets - E-Frat '94. Unity and Pride!)
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