Sure. But the problem with the system has to be then _technical_ in nature. You suggested scrapping the entire system because it has technical failing. Why not to fix the system? The reason why Cho's mental incompetency didn't come up in the NICS check can surely be traced. Fixing the system should be a relatively straight-forward engineering task.
Thing is, this isn’t the first time that NICS and similar systems have been caught out doing this. NICS, for example, has been known to throw out false “do not sell” results for no apparent reason, as well as allowing felons whose info actually *is* in NICS to buy firearms.
The liberals promised us that NICS and similar systems would *never* have any problems. I say we hold them to that promise and scrap it since it’s had so many; and we’ve spent untold millions on it. We need to cut our losses. If we need a NICS-like system, fine - but we should start over. What we have now clearly doesn’t work, IMHO.