"School Daze," with its pompous patchwork plot, is an arrogant, humorless, sexist mess. Based on Lee's days at Atlanta's Morehouse College, it pits the light-skinned "Wannabees" against the dark-skinned "Jigaboos" at make-believe Mission College. It's a juvenile, yet controversial, treatment of an intricate intraracial conflict. Lee, who has condemned Whoopi Goldberg for her blue contact lenses and Michael Jackson for his nose job, seems obsessed by racial cosmetics.
Then the nappy-haired coeds duel with their light sisters in a sudden musical number -- a "West Side Story"-style song-and-dance-off. Dap's lady Rachel Meadows (Kyme) leads the Jigaboos, and blue-eyed Jane Toussaint (Tisha Campbell) the Rays, in this processed hair-pulling contest. Toussaint, a slave to Gamma's Big Brother Almighty, is both adored and debased as Lee works out his id garbage onscreen. Ultimately, Big Brother gives her to the pledge Half-Pint (Lee) to be ravished. These characters are sexist, racist sadists and, yet, impossibly dull.
Imus mentioned ‘West Side Story’ in the Sharpton interview as well.