Posted on 04/09/2007 8:35:35 AM PDT by kellynla
Bull****. Name your source liar.
The bigger shame is that it needs to be said on THIS forum.
Going through normal channels doesn't work, but their must be some way to force the issue.
Actually, I’ve thought of that before...there should be a daily thread for post of the day. It would probably get pretty contentious, though, if this thread is any indicator.
You forgot
yada yada yada crimes Americans won’t do
I’ve looked around and I’m not finding it. I guess they did away with it.
Good observation. It strikes me as strange that many of our fellow FReepers take personal affront at a criticism of their preferred politician. I can say, indeed have said, good things about Mr. Bush. That, however, does not entitle him to a free pass on his failings. Particularly in light of the fact that these failings have a direct impact on my life and my country.
No one has more of a claim to being an American or having a love of his country than I do, simply because he holds office in Washington. Indeed, not the President, Vice President, nor any member of congress is any more than my equal as an American citizen. IMHO, a sizeable number are considerably less.
I agree with you. This is one issue that I disagree with the President on and I’m not willing to give him a pass on it either. The amnesty of 1986 was supposed to have been a one time deal, and now look, 20 years later and 4 times as many illegals!
“hint: Just TEN MILLION aliens working on bogus SS numbers...., JUST ON THE FICA NUMBERS, assuming they work for 10 dollars per hour, bring into the federal treasury a total of over 32 billion dollars into the US treasury..., and NONE of that goes back out, as they are [ahem] ILLEGAL and thus ineligible for SS.”
(They) “bring into the federal treasury a total of over 32 billion dollars into the US treasury...,”
Ahhh... (((Noooooooo Most of them dont pay ANY income taxes))) They are paid under the table.
“NONE of that goes back out,”
yes it does If they do file with the INS they get Earned Income and other tax relief. The INS issues a special number to tax payers with no legal SSN They also get Food Stamps and Welfare and WIC. Besides the FREE schools, FREE hospital and medical care, FREE housing or low income housing, HUD loans of home purchases (because they are low income)
“as they are [ahem] ILLEGAL and thus ineligible for SS.”
Om this one you definitely need to bite the bullet. President Bush has already said that he wants illegal aliens to be able to draw Social Security if they have worked for 18 months in the US. (American citizens must still work for 10 years (120 months) before being eligible for SS.)
BTW Psst ... Hint.. There’s nothing loyal about dishonoring the American flag, and they are not friendly nor appreciative of the many handouts that they receive.
You know... the illegal aliens demanding, expecting and taking the freebies that Americans cant get......
Most of the Middle Eastern citizens who are here illegally flew in on visitor’s or student’s visas and just stayed..........
The illegals question is one where if the Republicans could get their hearts in the right place and serve the citizens of this nation, the Republicans would win back the Congress, and hold the White House. As it stands, the Republicans could remain in the minority status for decades should they help push through shamnasty. The new voters (former illegals) alone will ensure demonrats wins, as the (once) illegals violate and milk this nation for every dollar possible. Think things are bad now? You ain’t seen nothing yet......
“I have huge problems with the president on a number of areas, but it is unfair to lay the border problems at his feet.”
He’s had 6+ years to make a dent in “the problem”....more people are crossing our borders now than at any time in history.
I did read it somewhere and am working on the source. The volume of my reading makes it impossible for me to remember where I read what. I am searching for the source at this writing and will respond.
You can bet that when I respond to anyone on FR it will not be with name calling.
It only makes you look like less of a man, and certainly less credible so I would suggest you not do it.
My next response on this subject will only be with the source.
Amen, Nana.
This is encouraging from Captain’s Quarters.
“Bush thought he could press forward on comprehensive reform after the Democrats won a majority in Congress, an interesting and unique reversal of the normal political dynamic. His previous effort, cast in the McCain-Kennedy bill from the last session, foundered on the objections of House Republicans, who wanted a border-first bill and refused to move their version of McCain-Kennedy. One might think that a Democratic majority would have overcome that problem, but the new Democrats represent the same districts that refused to support any hint of amnesty. As a result, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have made it clear that they can’t deliver immigration reform without Republican support — and that means the bill has to take Republican concerns into account more honestly.”
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