Good observation. It strikes me as strange that many of our fellow FReepers take personal affront at a criticism of their preferred politician. I can say, indeed have said, good things about Mr. Bush. That, however, does not entitle him to a free pass on his failings. Particularly in light of the fact that these failings have a direct impact on my life and my country.
No one has more of a claim to being an American or having a love of his country than I do, simply because he holds office in Washington. Indeed, not the President, Vice President, nor any member of congress is any more than my equal as an American citizen. IMHO, a sizeable number are considerably less.
I agree with you. This is one issue that I disagree with the President on and I’m not willing to give him a pass on it either. The amnesty of 1986 was supposed to have been a one time deal, and now look, 20 years later and 4 times as many illegals!