The mass of people are in favor of fixing GW, but the masses don't understand everything in their lives is fueled by carbon and, under the guise of environmental stewardship, we will cede total control of our lives to the socialists and communists.
From each according to their ability ; to each according to their need.
K Marx
Don’t they have gas taxes in that state? You already pay a penalty for buying a gas guzzler.
With Mexican trucks on the roads, we all best be driving Hummers.
Robin Hood approach?? That's hardly how I'd describe it.
If I recall the story correctly, Robin Hood wasn't the tax collector but rather the man who robbed the tax collector. He then returned the money to those who had paid the taxes.
Instead of this silliness, where are the funds for developing a much needed Mass Transit System? Talk about not seeing the greenhouse for the flowers.
Why should taxpayers be giving “rebates” to people who drive fuel-efficient automobiles? That makes no sense at all.
I would support this if they expanded the reasoning behind. As far as I am concerned, we do need to make our vehicle MUCH more efficient. Not because of Global Warming, but because of our dependence on Oil.
Peak Oil is likely upon us. Even if it’s not, the oil is in “places that don’t like us very much.” We need to move on.
Understand: global warming as a "fixable" thing is A RIDICULOUS ILLUSION.
Read some natural history books and URGE OTHERS TO READ NATURAL HISTORY BOOKS. Common sense will out, truth will out. Geologists pretty much figure that the planet has been around for five-and-a-half billion years. A million years is a tiny, fragment of a drop in the bucket; 125,000 years is virtually nothing at all.
Indeed, 125,000 years ago is RECENT history, just a few moments ago, globally speaking. Evidence indicates that compared to today, sea levels were about 25 feet higher back then; 20,000 years ago -- even more miniscule a time period, a fraction of a second ago, geologically speaking -- sea levels were about 350 feet lower than they are now.
An informed person will understand that the pronoucement by anyone, "scientist" or especially politician, that technologies that have barely been in existence for 100 years (so ridiculously insignificant a period of time with regard to any intelligent assessment of earth sciences as to be absurd) are "killing" our planet, is laughable, should be hooted out of the room in derision. It is 100 percent absurd, and anyone with access to knowledge should know it NOW.
As long as people even begin to credit a shred of legitimacy to the idea that we can affect global climate changes -- this planet's global climate has been, and (God willing) will ALWAYS be changing -- then Liberals and environmtalists will call the shots. When people become educated enough to understand that they're clearly being flim-flammed and that the whole "issue" is bogus, then things will change.
I guess no one sent them the memo on how making and producing the batteries for those ‘green’ cars causes more pollution than just leaving everything the hell alone.....damn, these people piss me off !!!!!
OK, I’m better now. ;-))
Wow, talk about socialism’s redistribution of wealth. This brainless idea is the stupidest yet.
I hope that pinko burns in hell!
Bring back the electric trolley. Until then the antics are as amusing as watching a puppetshow where the puppet has a couple of strings missing.
...because the masses are ignorant and uneducated enough to actually get suckered into the fantasyland notion that global warming is a) representative of something being "broken", b) something we're causing, and therefore c) we can/must destroy the world economy and endanger the human race in order to "fix" it.
Does that count as balancing out?
Or do I get screwed because I don't have a $5,000 set of batteries like the hybrids.
As a long time observer of the anti-smoking movement, your scenario is eerily familiar. Even though (insert behavior or product here) is dangerous enough to "kill" or "end life on the planet as we know it", don't stop it, tax and regulate it to death. It takes them awhile, but the socialists learn well.
What will they do about motorhomes? Will they force me out of my Winnebago and into a Toyota/Dolphin?
You've bought into the false premise already. There is nothing to be fixed with respect to global warming. It is a completely natural phenomenon. Climate cycles have been happening for millions of years. Human activity has little overall impact on the cycles. The socialists are enjoying this red herring as a way to seize control of the ignorant masses.