That’s really annoying. Leave the names as they are.
On a sidenote, is there any Christan kiddie’s book where a pagan bunny converts to Christian and becomes the Easter bunny? Sounds kinda weird, but I think it would be cool.
I’m of mixed feelings about this. The Easter Bunny and egg hunts do in fact have nothing to do with the real meaning of Easter so, it doesn’t really bother me. On the other hand, there is the intent of those who want to ban these things. The anger and hate they must feel in order to go after such meaningless symbols is just sad. On the plus side, they aren’t trying to ban Peeps.
Leave the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus alone or get out of our country.
there is a town in RI, Triverton I think that has banned the Easter Bunny all together.
What’s the meaning of the Easter bunny? Said another way, what does a bunny have to do with the resurrection of Christ?
I used to really worry about this sort of thing but the secular world is not the Christian world. I quit worrying and just figure that the Lord is in charge and in total control of this world. And you know what, my blood pressure is showing better and I sleep better at night. I guess the bottom line is that we should each worry about our selves and our life and if it is on course, let God handle the rest. One does not have to be a “sheep” to live by this code either.
Saw a sign posted at a park near my home:
“Hard Egg Hunt” with time and day appended.
Couldn’t believe it and drove by it a couple of times to verify.
Not even “Boiled Egg Hunt”. Could be plastic eggs, I guess.
Stupid liberals...wanting to remove the name ‘Easter’.
Actually the word is a derived from the ancient Babyloninan god of fertility ‘Ishtar’ hence easter egg hunts...
Trying to ban the word Easter an attempt to divert the significance of the holiday being the Resurrection of Jesus.
Now godless liberals want to remove the pagan derived word ‘Easter’..... wonders never cease with these cretins.
Worrying about this sort of thing is silly.
Pegan fertility rituals have nothing to do with Christs resurrection.
How 'bout 'Multi-cultural April Bunny's' ?
Let the idiots call it what they like. Just continue along with all your friends and family and call it what it is: The EASTER Bunny. Plain and simple.
“spring egg hunt” — 53 Google News hits
“easter egg hunt” — 3,543 Google News hits
Of the “Spring egg hunt” stories, several were referring that did NOT drop “Easter” from the event name, or that restored after it had been dropped in the past.
“spring bunny” — 50 Google News hits
“easter bunny” — 3,187 Google News hits
In both the “spring egg hunt” and “spring bunny” story, a lot of them, maybe a majority, were about the debate over precisely one town that changed the names — Walnut Creek, California.
Holy flipping cow, are there not enough things to be frightened by and outraged about without going to extremes to manufacture something?
Regardless .... JESUS LIVES!!!!!!
No matter what those dimwits say .....