To: Antoninus
The South Park guys should either truly be equal opportunity offenders, or stop trashing Catholics all together.I don't think they bash them all together, just the funny ones.
Comedy's not an equal opportunity endeavor... some have it, some don't.
To: HairOfTheDog
To paraphrase Bill Hicks, discussing comedy on Free Republic is like showing a dog a card trick.
63 posted on
04/05/2007 8:28:29 AM PDT by
(Future Former Freeper)
To: HairOfTheDog
I don't think they bash them all together, just the funny ones. Comedy's not an equal opportunity endeavor... some have it, some don't.
If you can't find things about Islam to ridicule, you're not looking hard enough.
Again, just another lame excuse. Let's see, we're now up to:
"The networks won't let us."
"Remaining silent on Islam is actually a worse criticism than having a statue of the Virgin Mary "bleed out of its @ss."
"Islam is just not funny."
Don't you see how truly pathetic this is?
69 posted on
04/05/2007 8:36:14 AM PDT by
(I don't vote for liberals, regardless of party.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson