But if Giuliani is elected, we will have lost the party; conservatives will no longer be running show. It will be a party run by Giuliani/McCain/Lieberman/Chaffee/Jeffords types rather than the party of Reagan.
We will find ourselves without a viable conservative party to mount national challenges against a veritable force of liberal kooks that now run the Democrat party. There is more at stake than just beating Hillary.
The nominee of the Republican party will be a Conservative. Not in some peoples eyes of course, doubt Reagan could get their support, them being so highly principled then we mere mortals. But even though they think so, they DON`T control the party and they don`t get people elected. People that can`t compromise a little, don`t get things done and most voters realize that. Just look at the number of New Congressman Tom Tancredo added to his legion’s in the last election. ZERO