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1 posted on 03/22/2007 7:54:24 PM PDT by Mia T
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To: jla


2 posted on 03/22/2007 7:56:49 PM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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To: Mia T
6 posted on 03/22/2007 8:04:23 PM PDT by pnh102
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To: Mia T

Now, if only as many people could see your Vote Smart ad.

11 posted on 03/22/2007 8:16:46 PM PDT by NeoCaveman (the earth has a fever, I'm totally cereal - Al "Manbearpig" Gore Jr.)
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To: Mia T
This kind of thing is likely to have short-term effects and long-term effects. Even if the short-term effects are helpful to Hillary (which I seriously doubt), the long-term effcts are much more likely to be harmful.

As to Zogby, I think it is clear the Clinton machine is paying for these "findings." But it will backfire because it calls attention to the ad all over again. It's like the judge who tells a jury to disregard evidence that proves the case one way or another. It causes people to pay more attention to it than they might have otherwise.

It's nice to see the Hildebeast tanking, and Hubby in panic mode.

12 posted on 03/22/2007 8:22:17 PM PDT by massadvj
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To: Mia T
Mia...FYI..a "mashup" of a prior "mashup" is best viewed, and enjoyed, while consuming a jigger, or two , of "sour mash(up)"....

Great job, as always..

15 posted on 03/22/2007 9:01:00 PM PDT by ken5050 (The 2008 winning ticket: Rudy/Newtie, with Hunter for SecDef, Pete King at DHS, Bill Simon at Treas)
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To: Mia T
Mia T, I am both saddened and amazed at the polls which show the lack of knowledge concerning Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton and her role in super nasty politics. Mrs. WJC personifies “mean-spiritedness”; she is the very embodiment of negativity in politics – the queen of mean; she is beyond mendacious, a fairly kind word for this crafty, colluding specter of a human. Mrs. WJC exudes an aura, that by even just looking at photographs of her make the hairs on my neck stand up. I have had that feeling three times in my life; three times I have come face to face with humans who are truly evil. I’ve no doubt there are others that have experienced this feeling.

To explain the video as ‘bad for political discourse’ is relevant but have these same people not seen how Mrs. WJC twists and spins ‘political discourse’ to her advantage? It amazes me they think she is worth even thinking about; it would be much better for the nation if everyone took the Rhett Butler attitude and line “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!”

The Clinton’s have so tainted American Politics with true villainy there is no ‘proper discourse’ only the mobbed up spectrum of two treacherous, power hungry people – who give not a whit about the people they continue to fleece nor their country which they continue to deride.

Mrs. WJC and her rapist spouse should be viewed as the actual monsters they are.

18 posted on 03/22/2007 9:24:42 PM PDT by yoe ( "Deliver us from evil.........................)
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To: Mia T

Thank you Mia T.

19 posted on 03/22/2007 9:28:20 PM PDT by Cindy
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To: Mia T

Your youtube exposure of the rapist co-conspirator is great! Outstanding FReeper alert!

20 posted on 03/22/2007 10:16:20 PM PDT by PGalt
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To: Mia T

The takeaway from all this is that hillary can't get elected without her hubby. Take away her hubby-crutch and she'll fall flat.

23 posted on 03/23/2007 3:51:02 AM PDT by gotribe ( I can find no warrant for such an appropriation in the Constitution... - Grover Cleveland.)
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To: yoe; PGalt; All
a reworking of post:

Big Brother is watching you, but are you watching Big Brother?


by Mia T, 3.23.07 


d mashup, 'VOTE DIFFERENT' is well done, elegant and rather sophisticated, technically.

Fiddling with perfection shouldn't be done lightly, and Ridley Scott's brilliant dystopian vision is perfection. Staying within the physical margins of the original Apple '1984' ad accounts for much of the aesthetic success of 'Vote Different.'

But there is a problem with the message (and therein lies the impetus for VOTE SMART: A WARNING TO ALL WOMEN ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON, my mashup of that mashup).

The problem with the message is Big Brother. The original Apple-ad Big-Brother was ominous, looming, the prototypic totalitarian. The hillary version is none of these.

Recall that the 'Vote Different' hillary image was plucked from her "I'm in", a video whose very purpose was to obscure clinton's indelible and unelectable menacing presence.

And so we got a hillary clinton who was chintzed-and-powdered, gauzy-focused, digitized, humanized, fictionalized, cropped, pleated and flounced. Hardly the stuff of Big Brother....

With a Q score--a measure of celebrity likability among the hoi polloi--in the toilet, missus clinton can win elections only by running virtually unopposed...

And then only with the help of protheses, props, poses, PR machines, scripted appearances, screened audiences, vetted questions, Secret Service barracades, secret police, softball settings and sycophantic hosts... fictionalizing, 'humanizing,' digitizing and otherwise hiding the real hillary clinton.

And then we have the baggage....

Anyone else but a clinton would have been summarily laughed off the stage.

Hollywood take note
by Mia T, 01.26.07


And that is why yesterday's Zogby poll got the results it did. Democrats were offended. It was they who were the butt of the ad. They are mindless zombies. hillary clinton is just a gussied-up, if over-the-(if you'll pardon the expression)-hill, over-produced celeb-of-sorts on a large-screen tv.

The purpose of my video, 'Vote Smart,' was to put the 'Big Brother' back in Big Brother, to expose the clinton menace, the clinton abuse of women, the clinton abuse of power, the clinton willful terrorism failure.

Vote Different, Vote Smart and the Zogby Poll

Hillary: The Big Sister We Can Do Without

"The power of the harasser, the abuser, the rapist depends above all on the silence of women." 1


(Obama-Apple 1984 Ad Mashup)

(YouTube video--please FReep)
by Mia T, 3.11.07

by Mia T, 01.05.07

The clip then devolves into a harsh attack on the Clintons, including an image of Hillary Clinton as the Statue of Liberty with the scrawled epitaph "Stalinist Rising?" underneath.

Hillary Clinton 'Big Sister' Ad Makes Big Ripple: Creator Revealed
MTV News ^ | March 22, 2007 | Gil Kaufman

by Mia T, 2.07.07


  ... with doctored, "Clockwork Orange"-like images of Clinton with her eyes propped open.

Hillary Clinton 'Big Sister' Ad Makes Big Ripple: Creator Revealed
MTV News ^ | March 22, 2007 | Gil Kaufman

It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem.

G. K. Chesterton


... While America appears not to be ready for a female president under any circumstances, the post-9/11 realities pose special problems for a female presidential candidate. Add to these the problems unique to missus clinton. The reviews make the mistake of focusing on the problems of the generic female presidential candidate running during ordinary times.

These are not ordinary times. America is waging the global War on Terror; the uncharted territory of asymmetric netherworlds is the battlefield; the enemy is brutal, subhuman; the threat of global conflagration is real.

Defeating the enemy isn't sufficient. For America to prevail, she must also defeat a retrograde, misogynous mindset. To successfully prosecute the War on Terror, it is essential that the collective patriarchal islamic culture perceives America as politically and militarily strong. Condi Rice excepted, this requirement presents an insurmountable hurdle for any female presidential candidate, and especially missus clinton, historically antimilitary--(an image, incidentally, that is only enhanced today by her clumsy, termagant parody of Thatcher), forever the pitiful victim, and, according to Dick Morris, "the biggest dove in the clinton administration."

It is ironic that had the clintons not failed utterly to fight terrorism... not failed to take bin Laden from Sudan... not failed repeatedly to decapitate a nascent, still stoppable al Qaeda... the generic female president as a construct would still be viable... missus clinton's obstacles would be limited largely to standard-issue clintonisms: corruption, abuse, malpractice, malfeasance, megalomania, rape and treason... and, in spite of Juanita Broaddrick, or perhaps because of her, Rod Lurie would be reduced to perversely hawking the "First Gentleman" instead of the "Commander-in-Chief."

Mia T, 10.02.05
(see descriptor morphs)

Can a chintzed-and-powdered villain win the White House?

by Mia T, 3.01.07

ven the most casual observer of the American political scene would agree: It's a tossup as to whose stage presence, hillary clinton's or Al Gore's, is the more ridiculous.

But as opposed to hillary-on-stage, Al thereon has a saving grace: He doesn't try to appear human. To the contrary, Al Gore embraces his humanoid essence. (In fairness to missus clinton, 'inhuman' is a measurably less salable descriptor than 'humanoid.')

To better understand why this is such an advantage for Mr. Gore, simply consider missus clinton's recent 'conversation' (with herself).

It was risible. Unintentional theater of the absurd: A chintzed-and-powdered villain, a soulless, angry, arrogant scold, oozing cloying, saccharine-coated evil, pulsating to the metronomic swing of stubby appendages--claws too short to grab its prey.

(Gesticulation is a dud's only sign of life... and then only if she has a speech coach to prod her.)

The performance was nothing if not humiliating: A direct measure of hillary clinton's hunger for power. Which reminds me... enough of that red Klingon power jacket already.

The fatal problem with the clinton machine's extravagant, fanciful and elaborate construction is not the absurdity, however. It is the architectonics.

A precarious 20th-century conceit, the hillary! construct totters on a crumbling foundation of clinton lies, abuses and betrayals.

It should have been no surprise that David Geffen's comments to Maureen Dowd would so easily topple it.

But to the average clinton lackey, it apparently was.

A barrage of polls are shooting down the endless post-Geffen-imbroglio clinton-agitprop chatter that had called hillary clinton and her machine the hands-down winner.

According to the latest Zogby Poll, Barack Obama is gaining fast on missus clinton. The Quinnipiac University Poll released today reports that Giuliani has widened his lead over missus clinton in New Jersey (50-41).

But it is this week's Keystone Poll that foreshadows the final outcome. Rudy demolishes clinton in blue Pe-Ay (53-37). But more significantly, hillary clinton's favorable/unfavorable rating is a dismal 32/46. (The other candidates have net positive favorable ratings.)

We have argued elsewhere that the only way missus clinton can win elections is to run virtually unopposed, and then only if she remains immobil, hidden, mute, a prisoner of her own ineptitude, repulsiveness and criminality.

But of the three, it is missus clinton's repulsiveness--her ugliness--that will do her in.

The voters routinely ignore ineptitude, forgive criminality, but they never abide ugliness. Never.


The clintons, as is their wont, are now taking this proxy scheme to even more outrageous extremes.

The latest: an actual hillary clinton proxy presidency, populated on both sides of the camera by assorted rodham and clinton ex-staffers, sycophants and should-be felons, witness the latest hire.

'Commander-in-Chief,' a show that sets out to crown a 'queen,' instead exposes the kitschy simplemindedness of Hollywood fantasy and the special sway and shortsightedness of the pathologic ego.

Mia T, 10.27.05
Bill O'Reilly chews up and spits out the hillary clinton candidacy
(clip included)

unning vicariously, as we have argued, has its risks.

What was supposed to be Hollywood propaganda to make a hillary presidency marginally palatable has instead become a parable about missus clinton's own dystopian future.

ABC announced the other day that it is pulling "Commander-in-Chief" off the air "until spring." Missus clinton's proxy presidency, you see, has been in a ratings free fall ever since "American Idol" took it on.

In a perverse life-mirrors-art moment, support for the real-life missus clinton's presidency has plummeted, too. This even sans Rudy, her real-life "American Idol" opponent.

'Ars artia gratis.' Please!

Samuel Goldwyn must be turning over in his grave....

by Mia T, 02.02.06



28 posted on 03/25/2007 4:02:46 PM PDT by Mia T (Stop Clintons' Undermining Machinations (The acronym is the message.))
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