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Medal of Honor Heroes Set the Standard, England Says
American Forces Press Service ^ | Fred W. Baker III

Posted on 03/22/2007 6:18:52 PM PDT by SandRat

WASHINGTON, March 22, 2007 – Medal of Honor recipients are heroes, despite their many humble objections to the label, and are important to the fabric of our society, Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England told those gathered yesterday to celebrate the official naming of March 25 as National Medal of Honor Day.

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Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England highlights the importance of the Medal of Honor and its recipients to the nation and military while speaking at a ceremony honoring recipients and celebrating Congress’s recent designation March 25 each year as National Medal of Honor Day. Photo by Fred W. Baker III

(Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available.
Medal of Honor recipients and their families, politicians, senior military members and others packed the historic caucus room in the Russell Senate Office Building to honor those wearing the nation’s highest military award for bravery.

Congress this month designated March 25 each year as National Medal of Honor Day. The day is significant as the day the first Medal of Honor was presented in 1863.

At last night’s ceremony, England highlighted the importance of the honor and its recipients to the nation and its military.

“Heroes are important. They are important to our military. But they are also important to every citizen and to every person in the world who enjoys and yearns for freedom and liberty,” England said.

“Heroes set standards for the rest of us to aspire to. And by their example they encourage others to excel,” he said.

England also recognized at the ceremony the two most recent recipients of the award, Marine Cpl. Jason Dunham and Army Sgt. 1st Class Paul Smith, both recognized posthumously for bravery in the war in Iraq.

“They are an example of this generation of Americans who volunteer to serve and who serve today in sacrifice for all of us,” England said. “In performing these acts, the recipients have demonstrated resolve, commitment, determination, will and raw courage to prevail. Those qualities are the underpinning of our nation.”

England read a letter from President Bush to the group. In the letter, Bush said the country owes Medal of Honor recipients a debt for their service and, for many, the ultimate sacrifice of their lives.

“Our country is in debt to these great warriors and that debt is one that we can never fully pay,” Bush wrote. “The courage and leadership of the men and women who are honored on this day represent the highest ideals in military service and each of them has set a fine example of what it means to be a fine American.”

Retired Army Command Sgt. Maj. and Medal of Honor recipient Gary L. Littrell took the podium following the evening’s longest ovation for a speaker.

Littrell said that during the past two years he has visited troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. He said that such visits help him appreciate the freedom we have in America.

“When we get complacent -- which I do quite often, and I forget the freedom that we have -- all you have to do is visit a third-world country, and how quickly will you appreciate what the young men and women in uniform are doing for the freedoms that we have today,” he said.

Littrell said that during his visits he likes to ask the servicemembers if they know why they are serving and fighting.

“I get a stern look,” he said.

“They look at me and they say, ‘Sergeant Major, I am here because I am fighting this global war on terrorism on their land and in their country to keep them from bringing it back to ours,’” Littrell said.

Littrell said he views National Medal of Honor Day as a call to action for its living recipients to help perpetuate the purpose of the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation.

“I do not view 25 March for the years to come as a day to honor ‘we’ the Medal of Honor recipients,” he said. “I view the 25th of March as a day that we the Medal of Honor recipients can give back to our youth.”

Littrell said he plans to spend the day each year speaking to groups such as the Boy or Girl Scouts, or at schools.

“Let’s educate our youth. Let’s give to our kids -- the future leaders of this great nation,” Littrell said.

Littrell is the current president of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. Littrell was a sergeant first class in Vietnam in 1970 when his actions earned him the Medal of Honor.

Since 1863, 3,444 servicemembers have received the nation's highest military honor for courage under fire.

There are 112 recipients living today.
Gordon England

Related Sites:
Medal of Honor Citations
Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation
Congressional Medal of Honor Society

TOPICS: Culture/Society
KEYWORDS: heroes; medalofhonor; set; standard

1 posted on 03/22/2007 6:18:57 PM PDT by SandRat
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To: StarCMC; Bethbg79; bentfeather; EsmeraldaA; MoJo2001; Kathy in Alaska; Brad's Gramma; ...

Ain't that the absolute TRUTH!!!!

2 posted on 03/22/2007 6:19:31 PM PDT by SandRat (Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
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To: SandRat
I still consider myself to have been very, very privileged to visit with Mitchell Paige (USMC Guadalcanal) in his home's den/study. The thought of seeing and holding his Medal of Honor, along with all his memorabilia, still give me thrill chills.

He was in his early eighties at the time, but if you looked into his eyes there was definitely still some rattlesnake in his soul.

3 posted on 03/22/2007 6:23:36 PM PDT by ErnBatavia (...forward this to your 10 very best friends....)
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To: ErnBatavia

Sounds like he'd have earned the Indian Name "Steel-Eyes."

4 posted on 03/22/2007 6:25:16 PM PDT by SandRat (Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
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To: SandRat
How many young men and women are just as brave and selfless today do you suppose? I read on Strategy Page that the standards of the MOH are such today with modern combat dogma that the count is way down.

I'm of the opinion that our soldiers today are just as brave and deserve just as much recognition. But it isn't for me to say.

5 posted on 03/22/2007 6:34:12 PM PDT by Thebaddog (What does a dog do on three feet, Men standing up and women sitting down?)
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To: SandRat
Nov 1968 I was attending the Air Force Squadron Officer's School. We had a Dining Out to celebrate something or other. One of the dignitaries attracted more attention than anyone else present. He was an AF Major and he only had one ribbon on his Mess Dress Uniform.

The pale blue ribbon with the small white stars certainly understated the actions that he performed to earn "The Medal." His story was impressive but even more telling was the fact that he was alive!

Lines formed to shake his hand and all the saluting, indoors for that matter, was not discouraged.

6 posted on 03/22/2007 6:42:18 PM PDT by Young Werther ( and Julius Ceasar said, "quae cum ita sunt.")
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To: Thebaddog
We will hopefully have another MOH winner announced late this year - Navy SEAL Lt. Mike Murphy - For his heroic actions and efforts in Afghanistan in June of 05 -

When most of the details are released about the entire fight, it will be recorded as one of the most courageous demonstrations of American warriors in our nation's history.

These SEALs where vastly out numbered, in deep, deep enemy territory, high in the mountains.....and fought a ferocious firefight that lasted several hours....

7 posted on 03/22/2007 6:45:15 PM PDT by SevenMinusOne
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To: SandRat
Littrell was a sergeant first class in Vietnam in 1970 when his actions earned him the Medal of Honor.

I like the way they put that. You can't win a Medal of Honor, you have to earn it.

8 posted on 03/22/2007 6:50:07 PM PDT by colorado tanker
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To: Young Werther

That's one of those events that just sticks in your mind.

9 posted on 03/22/2007 7:05:35 PM PDT by Red6 (Come and get it.)
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To: SandRat
“Our country is in debt to these great warriors and that debt is one that we can never fully pay,” Bush wrote. “The courage and leadership of the men and women who are honored on this day represent the highest ideals in military service and each of them has set a fine example of what it means to be a fine American.”

Yes, it is the absolute truth. And their stories should be told over and over again so we never forget and never take for granted their service to our country and the debt we owe them.

10 posted on 03/22/2007 7:35:00 PM PDT by Chgogal (Vote Al Qaeda. Vote Democrat.)
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