It has absolutely nothing to do with socialism and the minorities of Europe and more to do with history and the insurgency of radicals that will push Europe over the edge.
It ha *everything* to do with socialism, since
it was and is socialismn thqt has destroyed
all moral fabic in every European country,
or is in the process of it. To blame all
Europes ills on the fact that Christians
fought back against Muslim expansion, and
that Religion and morality is the cause ofg
all strife is as rediculous as saying all
jews are 'blood guilty' for the death of
Jesus Iscariot.
Socialism, and communism are responible
for creatingh the societies that allowed
for the rise of Hitler and Stalin, and
it's doing it again.
Islamofascism & Socialism, are different
just facets of the same evil blood ruby.
A large underclass, controlled by a
dictatorial tyanny in the end.
Where the small minority end up,
using different titles, but live
like Tsars at the top- of a fudal
lord caste. just like the Caliphate,
without the religious dogma.
It wasn't socialism that allowed Moslems to become 10% of the population of France and Norway or buy up huge blocks of London. It wasn't socialism that allowed them in large numbers into Germany either. Socialism didn't encourage the Moslems to bomb trains or burn cars. It wasn't socialists who have created the demographic and violence of Europe today.
To blame all Europes ills on the fact that Christians fought back against Muslim expansion, and that Religion and morality is the cause ofg all strife is as rediculous
It is definately your issues with the english language here that make it difficult to get you to see the essence of what is being said here.
Europe's problems are not because of past wars with Islam, but that history is a symptom of the larger problem. Socialism and Communism are undesireable, but they are not the reason why millions of Muslims are terrorizing Europe now. Socialism and Communism did not cause the importation of cheap North African and Middle Eastern labor to Europe, anymore than it causes the mass importation of illegal Mexican labor to the US.
The probem for the Europeans is not totalitarianism, it is a fifth column in their contries that will not assimilate and is prepared to fight to make you conform to their religion.
Some people, as you are doing, are drawing comparisons to the rise of European Islamists to Hitler and Stalin. Yes, they were totalitarian and Islamists want a Caliphate that seems similar in its controlling nature to Nazi-ism, but it is NOT the growth of Socialism that brought Islam to the shores of Europe. Even if there were no Socialism in France, the lower birth rate of the French and the higher birth rate of the Muslims would amount to the same thing. It is the open-ness of our democracies that allows the masses of immigrants in. It is our wealth that has caused us to become fat and lazy. It is our failure to appreciate our freedom that has emboldened our enemies. It has allowed them to think they are stronger, even when they are fewer in number. It will take a war to convince them otherwise and THAT is why war is inevitable on the European continent. The attacks on the smallest and easiest of minorities are just the first stages of the conflict to come.